Chapter 2 ~ Getting Revenge

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The cops took down some information from the both of them. Officer David Jones asked Maryanne "Did you do or say anything to make him do this to you?" Maryanne looked at Officer Jones and answered his question the best she can " All I did was tell him that it was done between him and I. I took off my wedding ring and threw it at him. That's when he got all pissed off and started slapping me around. I really don't appreciate what he did to me and to his two daughters. He went behind our backs and cheated with some bitch he works with. He says that he hasn't, but I didn't believe. When I saw that woman in my bed completely naked. I knew he was full of shit." Maryanne was quite nervous when she was speaking with Officer Jones.

Officer Moore came into the room and asked Maryanne "So, do you wanna press charges?" Without hesitation Maryanne came straight out and said "Yes I sure do. I can't take no more of him" Officer Moore asked Officer Jones for the paper for her to fill out. It was kind of hard for her to fill it out,but she did it anyways. She fixed herself up,wiped the blood that stained her face. She walked downstairs to find Robert in handcuffs. She thought it was kind of funny seeing him in that situation. When she walked by him, she stopped and said "Guess what asshole,I just pressed charges against you. And there's nothing you can do about it. You're in handcuffs and I am not. You hurt me,Robert. I have a damn bruise on my right side. It is the size of a goddamn basketball. It hurts so much. I can't believe you would sit there and lie straight to my face. Not only did you disappoint me,but you disappointed Hannah and Lizzy too. So come tomorrow,I am filing for divorce. And I don't want you around my girls. They don't need anyone like you in their lives. They have me and that's what matters most. So be prepared to fill out a lot of paperwork." She turned and walked away from him. After Officer Jones put Robert in the back of the police car,she asked permission from Officer Moore to leave and go be with her daughters. Officer Moore agreed and said that it was alright. Maryanne had no problem leaving. She got into her car and never looked back.

She arrived at her parents house. The girls were still up. She walked in and was stampeded upon with hugs from her daughters. Hannah looked at her mother and said "Oh my goodness mom! He did a number on your face. Did you slap him back like he did to you?" Maryanne ran her fingers through Hannah's hair and said "No I didn't slap him like he did to me. I did something better. I threw my wedding ring in his face and told him that we were through. No more him and I anymore. It's just gonna be you, Lizzy and I! Just the three of us. Does that sound good?" Hannah looked into her mother's eyes. She can tell that she was crying on and off,because her eyes were blood shot red. She held her mom's hand in hers. And calmly said "Mom you did what was best for us. You didn't want us to be part of dad's cheating self. Dad is so damn stupid for treating you this way. You do deserve more. You deserve to have a happy family. A family that can get along with each other and not worry about dad. He's right where he's supposed to be. Locked up behind bars. " Maryanne hugged her daughter and told her that she is very proud of the both of them for being so supportive.

The girls were finally in bed. Now it's time for her to go to bed too. She had enough of this day. She wanted to wake up the next morning and have a fresh start. She was very proud of herself for what she did. She got rid of all that negativity. She doesn't need no more drama in her life. She just wanted her daughters to be safe and sound. She wanted to protect them, she wanted them to know that their mama is the best parent they could ever ask for. After a few minutes to herself,she finally crawled underneath the covers and slowly drifted off to sleep.

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