Chapter 4 ~ It's Divorce Time

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Court was tomorrow at 12pm. She got herself am attorney and her ex has his attorney. So let's see how this goes! She got to the court house an hour early. Robert wasn't there yet. After 35 minutes, he walked through the doors with his attorney. Her and her attorney sat at the opposite side of the room. Robert kept staring at her and she was feeling uncomfortable. His glares were burning a hole through her face. Her attorney Lauren Sanchez whispered in Maryanne ear "What the hell is he staring at?" "To be honest with you Lauren,I believe he has nothing better to do. He tried calling my phone last night and this morning,but I silenced my phone. I don't wanna talk to him." Maryanne told Lauren.

At 12,someone came out and said to them that they are up next. They all got up and walked into the room. Maryanne sat on the right side the room and Robert sat on the left side. Judge Yolanda Pearce took to the stand. The security guard said for everyone to stand up and greet the judge and they sat back down. And then the security guard said "This is the case of Saunders Divorce" Judge Pearce asked if one of them wanted to take a stand. Maryanne offered! She got up to the stand and said her rights. They asked her the reason for this divorce. She explained it perfectly. " The reason for this divorce with Robert is because he cheated on me with some chick he works with and then he denied that he even cheated. I don't want his pitiful, cheating,scumbag self around my daughters and myself."

After the hearing,everyone gathered out of the court house. Maryanne and her attorney were standing outside when Robert came up to them. "Hey Maryanne, that went well! Hopefully I don't have to pay child support!" Maryanne laughed right in his face and said to him "yes,yes you will have to pay for child support. You aren't getting off that easy! You get what you deserve. You lost sweetheart,you frigging lost. You lost completely everything. Your daughters told me to tell you that you can go ahead and have Andrea,because you don't want them" Maryanne laughed at him one more time and then walked away.

2 weeks after the court hearing,she received papers in the mail. It stated that she will have to go back and go over the child support and custody. She really doesn't want the judge to grant him  custody or even close to it. He doesn't deserve being around her children or around any children. The custody and child support hearing was in 3 days. So she had to be prepared. She wrote down what she thought she needed to bring with her and that would help her in her case. Her daughter Lizzy came into the kitchen. "Hey sweetheart,what's the matter?" Maryanne asked her daughter. Lizzy sat down next to her mother and said this to her "Dad,just tried calling my phone. But I didn't answer it. So he left a voicemail, I really think you should hear it!" Lizzy handed her mom her cell phone and she played the voicemail her father had left her and to her surprise it was something that she can report to the judge at the child support and custody hearing.

This is what the voicemail said "Hey Lizzy,it's dad. I am trying to get through to you but I feel like you don't wanna answer my calls. You are just like your damn mother,dumb and ignorant. All you care about is yourself. I hear that you and Hannah don't give two shits about me and my life. Well guess what my darling,I don't give two shits about you or your sister. One more thing before I end this call,tell your mom that she can go get a life for herself. She doesn't know what she's missing. Well time to end this call,don't wanna keep wasting my breath over an ignorant 15 year old"  That was the end of the message. Maryanne's  jaw dropped. Can't believe that he would say something like that towards his own daughters. What a goddamn low life.

Francine came walking into the kitchen and saw that Lizzy was crying. She walked over to Lizzy and hugged her from behind and asked her what was wrong. Lizzy didn't say anything to her grandma,she just played that voicemail her dad had left her. Grandma was highly pissed and frustrated. She's had it with this asshole. He's ruined everything! "Lizzy,sweetheart! Don't let that jerk put you down. He is two faced and a cheater. You and Hannah don't need a parent like him. It just needs to be you,your mom and Hannah. Not some low life idiot who likes to screw other women besides your mother. That's just wrong on his part. Maryanne,you need to take Lizzy's phone with when you go back on Friday, that will help you with your case tremendously. " Francine gave her granddaughter and daughter kisses on top of the head and went to go make some coffee.

"Lizzy will you let me borrow your phone on Friday so I can let the judge hear that message?" Maryanne politely asked her daughter. "Yes of course. You can borrow my phone. Not a problem!" Lizzy said to her mom. Maryanne seriously cared so much about her daughters. They mean so much to her. She doesn't want anything to happen to them. She doesn't want to lose them either. But this message that Robert left on Lizzy's phone, was evidence to prove that he is unfit to be a parent. This will so help her on Friday.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2018 ⏰

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