Chapter 7-You have got to be kidding me

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There was a lot of things clouding to young betas mind: Anger;Annoyance;Self-hatred and all of that was cause he wasn't doing his Job. To protect his best friend and his crush. As soon as he reached the school in the car what Kai got for her sixteenth birthday from her dad, Dodge Challenger, he parked the car up and slammed his head against the steering wheel. How could he have been so dumb, they knew the Doctors were going to pay her a visit but they didnt know it would be this soon. Liam turned around to grab his jacket of the backseat but he saw a picture of himself,Kai and Hayden. Kai was in the middle with ice cream on her nose while Liam was the one holding the ice cream and Hayden had the biggest grin on her face. The picture was took 2 years ago just before Hayden and Kais friendship ended. He smiled to himself before picking up his jacket and folding the picture to put in his jeans. He quickly ran inside and picked up stiles' scent. He followed the scent to the locker room. Scott and stiles' were talking about something while Hayden was sat the floor playing with her finger. "Just in time", Stiles said and walked to Liam pushing him down so he was sat next to Hayden,"Hold on wheres Kai" Scott said looking down at the the beta. "She just wore herself out doing Magic so told her to go to bed while i came here" Liam said while tapping his foot nervously on the floor. "Oh okay then, you need to look after Hayden while we go look round the school." Scott said before leaving with Stiles. "You have got to be kidding me, You seriously need to get better and lieing" Hayden said turning to Liam,"What do you mean, i didnt lie" he said tapping his foot again." Where is Kai really", "She has been taken by the dread doctor and she left me this note, anyway change of subject how come you and Kai arent friends anymore" Liam said all in one breath, Haydens eyes grew wider before letting a letting a deep breath running a hand through her hair. She turned so her back was lent against the cubbies and she hung her head backwards. "How come you lied about this" she said looking back at the boy who was holding the note out to her. "Now are you going to tell me about the tag team splitting up, the Rachel and Monica, the phone and the charger,the best to the friends." Liam said looking at Hayden while she was reading the note. Tears came to the girls eyes when she looked back at Liam." Why does she still care me she shouldn't, after what i did she shouldn't,""What did you do". "Rember in middle school when Kai was going through hell cause she was getting bullied and her parents were getting a divorce and she would cry herself to sleep every night. So we had to stay with her. When we couldn't come round her house that night, she went round to my house, like she normally does she climbs through my window. That night was the night we experimented by kissing each other. Can you rember the rustling from the tree that was Kai. For a month i tried calling her cause she wasn't at school. Then i got sick of it so i climbed into her room and saw her flicking through the photo albums we gave her for her birthday.She knew i was there but she didn't turn around to face me. Then it dawned on me that she was angry cause she had a crush on you. I sat next to her and she looked at me she had tear stains on cheeks.'Why are you crying' i asked her but she just looked back at the photos.'You saw me and Liam kiss didn't you' she just nodded,'you like Liam don't you' she just looked forward and she opened her mouth but she shut it and looked back down.' Im sorry i didn't know, i can make it up to you, ill get you and Liam together or' she cut me off'Just shut up Hayden i don't like Liam','Then why are you mad at me' she just stood up and opened the window for me to leave but i stayed and that just made herr even more annoyed. You mess with the bull you get the horn."Hayden laughed the tears away before continuing her story,"Tell me what have i done wrong','you kissed Liam' Kai told me and sat back on her bed.'But if you don't like him how come it bothers you so much'"The relisation kicked in and Liams eyes widened, Hayden looked at Liam"you want me to continue cause it looks like you already know" Liam just shook his head for Hayden to carry on."She turned to me and kissed me quickly before running to her bathroom and she locked the door.I knocked on the door and just kept on saying open up but she wouldn't. I slid down the door and just kept on replaying what just happened in my head. Finally it dawned on me she didn't like you she liked me so i stated the obvious to her and then went out the window. The next day she came into school and we had PE first. I told a few people and the few people spread it and that was when the bullying got worse. She hasn't spoke to me again apart from when i held her by her neck in the girls bathroom"," Why did you do that for by the way"," since I got this power decided to try it out and sort somethings out one was Kai". The two were sat in a comfortable silence until Liam spoke" sooooo do you like Kai". Hayden just laughed but then realized he was being serious. " Oh erm I haven't really thought about her but I know you like her so I'll back off","WHAT no I don't like her"." Liar"," Fine I like her a bit but if you want to like her then you can as long as she's happy". At that point Liam realized they have to get Kai back otherwise he won't be able to tell her how he feels. Hayden at this point had fallen asleep on his shoulder. " Hayden wake up". " Liam I'm sleeping now shh". " I know a way to get Kai back"

That was unexpected wasn't it. Who do you ship Kai with Hayden or Liam.
Kayden 🤩❤️👩‍❤️‍👩
Kaim or Lai 😍❤️💑
Will they get Kai back find out soon

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