atlas genius said what?!

569 7 18

You were hanging out with your team and team RWBY in the mess hall while yang was being fed food from nora ruby came from nowhere and slammed a book on the table

Ruby:friends sister....Weiss



Ruby began to do a speech you on the other were staring at the window when your scroll went off snapping you back to reality

Y/n:i didn't do it oh wait that my scroll

You pulled out your customised scroll that looked like a small computer after checking it you put it back as ria looked at you

Y/n:stop undressing me with your eyes

Ria:i-i am not undressing you with my eyes

Y/n:good cause i don't need you losing a galon of blood just because of my



while you and the others were talking it wasn't long until teams RWBY and JNPR began to have a food fight

Y/n:oh its on!

Leonard:this will be a battle for the ages

you and leonard began to fight however you were smacked flying by ria while mary shot leonard into the wall

Y/n:ok what the fuck was that

Ria nora&mary:were queens of the castle were queens of the castle

y/n:mary how could you

Leonard:lady mary you knave!

Ruby:justice will be swift and it will be delicous!

ria:ha you won't beat the two females golden girls

Y/n:ria you traitorous bitch!

(if you get the reference then good job)

Leonard:such cowardness

Y/n:alright leonard lets rock this place

Leonard:my sworn sword we shall show them no mercy!

You began fighting after a while it came down to just you and ruby

ruby:what do we do

Y/n:hey ria


Y/n:imma paint the that back wall with your body

Ria:oh really how

Y/n:ruby twin vortex

you launched ruby forwards then jumped off the wall spinning whipping up mostly all of the food

Ria&mary:oh no

Ria and mary were stucked into the vortex as both you and ruby slammed them onto the wall along with team JNPR then jumped out of the way

y/n:rest in pie....Piece shit Fuck!

ruby:nice job that was awesome

Y/n:not as awesome as the crimson angel annnnd im dizzy wow that kicked in quick

Ruby looked down figeting but you shook your head then ended up catching yang in your arms

Y/n:i asked oum for something beautiful AND HE DELIVERS!

Yang went as red as ruby cloak before pushing you over

Y/n:ah i think i landed on nora pipemelon

Blake:you ok

Y/n:am now your here

Blake went red and walked away without helping you up

Y/n:ok rude also what the hell am i saying did i spin so much i went retarded!?

you got helped up from leonard as ria and mary walked over

Mary:i just heard ruby mumbling about something like an angel

Ria:both yang and blake are red as tomatos y/n what did you do

Y/n:im so dizzy im seeing three of the same person and i thunks i drank something weird

gylinda walked in angry as you left you began to regain your composure

Y/n:i hope i don't spin like that again

Ria:im covered in food

Y/n:your fault for betraying me

Mary:it was fun

Leonard:i agree with mary it was indeed fun

Y/n:hey mary since we got time before the festial starts can i ask you something

Mary:sure what is it

Y/n:there so bouncy and round can i squeeze them

mary:wha- no way god no


leonard:to the victor goes the spoils i suppose

Ria:oh well....

Mary turns around blushing slightly

Ria&mary:well one touch couldn't hurt so.....

You grab the round parts of mary hair and squeeze them

ria:wait what

mary:umm y/n is this what you ment by bouncy and round

Y/n:yep how do you do this!?

Ria:ive got bouncy and round things too you know

Y/n:your bouncy and round things will get me into trouble

Mary:umm are you done

Y/n:yep im done

and done i hope you enjoyed it

Mary:why did you do that a/n

A/n:cause i can

Ria:i want the readers character to end up grabbing at least one boob next and it better be mine

a/n:aren't you f-cup size


a/n:oh in that case hell no

Mary:hey do the thing

A/n:oh yeah until next time bye ^_^

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