kindred spirits

593 5 3

You were hanging out with your team while the festial was going often or not you always check your scroll sending and receving messages from home

Y/n:and done

Ria:what's up y/n

Y/n:oh just sending a message back home

Mary:why didn't you enroll in adcademy at atlas

Y/n:dispite what many said as well i never consider atlas adcademy as a school it felt more like a miltary training camp

Leonard:so instead of becoming a soldier you came to beacon to become a light in the darkness

Y/n:not at all

Ria:what was the reason

Ria asks before you take another step You turn around to face them then sigh looking down at the ground

Y/n:it was to keep myself in check

Mary:what do you mean

Y/n:unlike most my semblance has two forms

Leonard:two forms you say what are they pray tell thy sworn sword

Y/n:overlimit and rage drive

Ria:rage drive what's that?

Y/n:the sheer intent to kill out of pure rage and not only that but everything about me changes

Mary:like what

Y/n:my eyes get a red tint in them my aura drastically becomes dense and becomes visible taking on whatever shape it wants

Ria:what shape does it take

Y/n:a grimm head

Mary and ria gasped in shock however leonard look changed to serious

Leonard:so does rage drive stop 

Y/n:it does but it's the method of how to stop it that you won't like

Ria:how do you stop yourself

Y/n:you wait

Mary:until what

Y/n:until either i pass out from excessive blood loss or you knock me out when i show signs of my rage weaking

Ria:so we just have to wait around for you until you end up as some blood cover psycho!


Ria:like hell im letting you do that i've tried to remain calm the first time your rage went rampant on the mech when we fought roman but no ever since then i've kept a close eye on you


Mary:we all have w-we saw you attack general i-ironwood

Leonard:though he deserved such treatment it was uncall for threaten his life

You were shocked to see how much they knew before you could get another word out ria and mary hug you as leonard puts a hand on your shoulder

Ria:you guys are like the family i always wanted

Mary:i can kinda see us as a family but i ran away from so its nice to see that someone will take me in

Leonard:i never did tell you the reason why i call y/n my sworn sword

Mary:why is that

Ria:yeah y/n never told us either

Y/n:i think i can explain

Leonard:i do wish to tell it

Y/n:alright the floors yours

Leonard:many years ago during my youth i was taken to small village just outside of vaccuo there i met him

Y/n:i was helping a blacksmith create weapons i made leonard first weapon taught him how to fight with it

Leonard:yet even still the scourge known as grimm decided to play host to that day

Y/n:that was a dark day

Leonard:indeed it was we fought against the horde of grimm slaying many of the beast however it was on that day i chose you as my sworn sword

Y/n:was it because of the mercy killing

Leonard:not at all i chose you as my sworn sword not for the kindness you showed to other granting them peace for their souls but how you always came back to their graves to honour their heroism

Y/n:so you saw that

Leonard:indeed i did my sworn sword know that i have back no matter what the world throws at you

Ria:you can count on me too

Mary:don't forget about me

You slightly laughed at them covering your eyes before shaking your head

Y/n:oh you guys are the worst

Leonard:it seems we are of one mind my friends

Ria:sure is

Mary:let do our best!

Y/n:fuck it im game

You looked at each other all of you smiling at one other

Y/n:to hell and back

Leonard:for liberty or death

Ria:y/n motto better

Mary:to hell and liberty

Y/n:fuck yeah


you turn around to see teams RWBY and JNPR behind you

Ruby:i didn't think it was you guys

Yang:am i the only one who want to get y/n all wet

Blake:im still trying to figure him out

Weiss:do you ever not have people falling over you

Y/n:does that mouth of your ever shut the fuck up cause not once have you even said hi or hello to me and quit acting like you hate me

Weiss:wh-what are you talking about

Y/n:oh im weiss and i hate y/n but its only cause i can't accept that i have a crush on him and i get-

person:MOIST! oh god this cake is so moist it melts in my mouth

Y/n:you get the idea

jaune:who are you talking to

Y/n:none of your damn business thats who

Weiss:like i have a crush on you


Y/n:i can't i've got this thing

Pyrrha:what thing

Y/n:its called a-


Y/n:ok im going to find that guy and kick him in the pingas!

you hear laughs as your team and the other begin walking to a food stand While you were being dragged by ria stopping you from running off
Thank you i hoped you enjoyed

Y/n:who the pingas guy anyway

A/n:oh him that dr robotnik also known as eggman



A/n:how about you leave before i punch you in the-


Y/n:alright fine

a/n:and no fourth wall breaks otherwise shit will get real

Neptune:yeah some crazy stuff might happen

a/n:oh god damn it well anyway until time bye ^_^


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