Chapter 4

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Venomspitter roared in shock and lunged at Dart, but to his shock, he went right through him and onto the other side. Venomspitter placed a talon on his bleeding tail and ran a claw down it. No new scars were made. Venomspitter looked at his wings and realized he could see through them. Venomspitter decided to try one last thing, he lunged forward and tried to rake his claws across Dart's face, but the RainWing barely noticed. Venomspitter then closed his eyes and when he opened them again, he was back where he first blacked out. He shook his head and looked around. It was probably sun time, Venomspitter thought. Then Grandeur (RainWing from Book 3) walked past him and started to fly up to a platform. Shimmer darted past him and tried to use her small wings to balance herself as she dragged herself onto a low platform. Venomspitter reluctantly opened his small wings and flapped to a platform a little higher with a little more sun and a small distance away from Shimmer. Venomspitter could see Dart a few platforms away, his back turned to Venomspitter. Venomspitter was now extremely weary of his enemy and potential killer. The hatred boiled in his veins. Venomspitter shook his head and laid down and stretched out. He slowly closed his eyes, soaking in the sun, and drifted asleep.  

Venomspitter woke up a few hours later. He spread his small wings and leaped down from the platform. Before he could stop himself he accidentally collided with Sharrow. 

"Watch it!" Sharrow hissed. 

Venomspitter flinched but stood his ground, he narrowed his eyes as he stared into her glaring eyes. 

Dart suddenly lunged behind Venomspitter and flipped him over and pinned him down. Before Venomspitter could fight back, Sharrow knocked into Darts side and he stumbled backwards. Sharrow grabbed his neck and pinned it to the ground. Sharrow glared into Dart's dark green eyes. 

"Sharrow, get off...." he growled, he wouldn't dare hurt Sharrow sense, he had a crush on her...


(rip Sharrow ;-; *plays sad music*)

(also rip Venomspitter ._.)

(and possibly downpour ._.)

(and finally, rip meh ;_______;)

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