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Yvonne and Zev walked the dirt road home in silence. The only sound came from his bike as rocks stuck in the grips of the tires and were relocated by force.

"Do you think she's dead, momma?" He was 17 years old but the situation called back his childish words.

His mother shook her head.

Zev rang the bell on his handle bar and continued walking. "I mean, why would she leave town? What else is out there?"

They reached the door of their house. "Keep her in your prayers, son. That's all we can do for that poor girl right now."

"Hey kiddo, did you—."His father started but stopped when Zev ran past and into his room, slamming the door behind himself.

He searched his closet for the class-photo book. He dragged it out from beneath the mountain of textbooks and old school assignments he piled in his closet. He put it under his arm and walked into the kitchen. He didn't say a word for a few minutes. He sat across from his father at the table and flipped open the pages.

"Charlotte." He pointed to the page with a picture of her on it. Her brown hair was pinned back on the sides. She wore it down in the back and tiny curls stuck out around her face. On anyone else it might look messy, to him it was perfect.

Henry glanced over to the book. "Who's the girl?"

Zev had noticed her freckles before, but now he had them memorized. "Do you remember, Charlotte?" He pushed the book across to his father and pointed her out.

He looked over the photograph. "Yes. She used to call you Dev because she knew you couldn't stand it." He pushed his reading glasses up his nose with his pointer finger.

He pulled the book closer to get a better look. "I thought you two might get together one day." He chuckled and pushed it back. He lifted his newspaper and continued to read. "She's pretty. You might get your heart broken. Are you prepared for that?"

"I—." He had never talked to his father about girls. If only he could simply state that he was prepared to go to the end of the Earth to find her safe.

"She's missing Henry, it's not the time for matchmaking jokes." Yvonne entered the kitchen as she spoke.

He folded the paper and put it on the table. "Since when? What happened? Why is this not all over the front page?"

"Gregory only realized today, when she was gone for twenty-four hours. He came to the church in tears." She pealed potatoes over the sink and put them in the pot.

Henry shook his head. "That's a shame. I've worked with Greg for ten years and I've never seen him get emotional. He must be going out of his mind. Poor guy." He tapped his thumb on the table. "We will have to go for a visit tomorrow when you're done school, Zev."

He nodded and returned to his room with the book. He laid on his bed on his stomach and traced the square outline of her picture. "Where are you?"

"I need help cutting the vegetables, come help me." Yvonne popped her head into his room. She saw the picture and sat next to him. "Keep praying, son. We will find her. I promise."

He wondered how she could reassure him so easily. Had she missed the point of a missing girl?

Her optimism and belief, threw him for a loop most times. She was always convinced that God would answer her prayers. Even when his grandparents passed away. Zev watched her pray for so long that her knees cracked and bled.

Was death what she prayed for in their case? They were sickly and it seemed to be their time. Of course she would never wish harm on a living soul. He knew that.

"I can help you in the kitchen." He rolled over and leaned forward.

Yvonne grabbed him and hugged him with every muscle in her arms. She sniffled and he felt her arm release to wipe a tear from her cheek. "I'm scared too, baby. This is hard. I feel it and I see the frustration on your face."

She pulled him back and looked into his eyes. "She is in Gods hands. Let him lead her back home."

He pulled her close and placed his head on her chest. She was right.

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