
18 6 13


• group save: 300$/person (6 x 300 = 1800)
• book hotels/motels
• pay as you go phone each
• personal phones stay (unless you plan to lose it)

Zev held the page up for the others to read. "What do you think?" He grabbed a cookie and a bottle of water from Phil's kitchen table.

"Do you think that'll be enough money?" Lynn bit her apple and handed the list along to the others.

"Not even close. It's a good start, a reasonable amount." Kathryn passed the page to Dillon. "When I spoke to my father he said we could use his credit card as long as we don't go crazy. I already told him this isn't a shopping trip so he's not too worried. We will save every penny we can, put it together and what we can't afford we will use his card for."

The group nodded.

"I'll add that detail at the bottom." Zev scribbled down what Kathryn had said.

"Is that it?" Shara grabbed a pad of paper and handed ripped pages to Zev, Phil, Dillon, Lynn and Kathryn. "I feel like we're missing something." She grabbed one for herself.

Kathryn nodded. "We probably are. It won't matter once we're out there, searching and exploring."

They began copying down the points on each piece of paper. "If we go home with a written plan to show our parents, they'll have no choice but to let us go," Zev chirped. "What about transportation?"

"The bus comes through town three times a week, we could take it to the city and figure out what to do from there." Dillon said while he added the detail to the main list and everyone copied it onto their own pages.

"I can look up bus ticket prices tonight. Then we can get a list of city bus prices to reference when we're gone," Lynn offered.

"That sounds good. One more day until the weekend." Zev sighed. He had been in contact with Charlotte's father, he would be cleaning the house and the yard for 75$ a week. It would work perfectly for their plan and he had given Gregory fair warning that he would need the summer off. He couldn't bare to tell him why they were leaving or what they would be doing. When asked he told Charlotte's father that they would be sightseeing.

"Ok, we all have assigned tasks. Phil, you'll be working downtown at the book store. Dillon, you are going to be helping out at your father's store," Shara listed their duties from the other side of the main list. "Lynn, you'll be getting a part time job at the church with Zev's Mom. Kathryn, you said you would figure it out, does that mean you father will pay your way?"

"Mhm," she nodded, without looking up from her page.

Shara continued, "I will be working part time at the school. And Zev, you're working for Charlotte's father, right?"

He slid off the chair and grabbed the main list. "Yeah."

Lynn jumped up and hugged him. "It's going to be hard but you can do it. Just keep thinking that she'll be back and finally in your arms." She squeezed him. "Like you've always dreamt."

Shara made a rude noise. "Oh, it's already eight, I have to go home." She walked to the door and the group followed.

They exchanged goodnights. Lynn and Shara walked home together because they were neighbours. Dillon lived next door and Zev walked home alone.

He held the list in his hand so tight that the paper creased. He read it many times before he walked through his front door.

"Did you have fun with your friends, buddy?" Henry asked when he heard the door close.

"Yes. We made a plan." He put the page on the table in front of his parents and sat across from them. "Here, look at this."


• group save: 300$/person (6 x 300 = 1800)
• book hotels/motels
• pay as you go phone each
• personal phones stay (unless you plan to lose it)
• Kathryn's dad's credit card for emergencies
• Bus fare
• Lynn will find out prices and city bus pass prices

Finding HerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora