Don't be a scrooge, Falco (Pt.1)

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A new story by Kitsune, eh? 👀 

December 24th, the night of Christmas Eve on the Great Fox, and every member of the crew had their work cut out for them. 

Krystal, the most recent member of the team, was preparing a diligent Christmas dinner that emitted a mouth watering aroma all through out the ship. That damsel in distress of a toad, Slippy, was singing obnoxious carols meant to spread joy but was actually only irritating the team just a tad bit. Peppy, the teams usual voice of reason, had his eye on the vixen while also providing his pro tips on how to make one "butt-kickin" pot of macaroni and cheese. Least that's how the old hare put it. R.O.B, the trusty robotic operator for the mothership, spent his time decorating with wreaths, colorful lighting, snow globes, and pretty much anything that'll slather the ship's atmosphere with a holiday spirit. 

Now Fox and Falco on the other hand, those two were having yet another one of their "old married couple" arguments, another saying used by Peppy when these two had their daily confrontations. This argument counted as the fifth one since the start of Christmas Eve. What makes the boy's constant bickering hell wasn't because it was every five minutes, that was just part of it. What got under everyone else's skin was the majority of their arguments began due to something utterly ridiculous. Such as Fox drinking the rest of the eggnog, Fox simply waking him up early to have him help around the ship, and even Fox instructing him on where to place ornaments on the tree so they weren't so clamped together. The previously mentioned arguments weren't remotely as mediocre compared to the reason they were going at it now. 

Falco was getting on Fox's ass this time because he accidentally stepped on his foot when hauling in the last two boxes of ornaments needed to complete their tree. Even with the vulpine's sincere apology, the avian for some reason, just wasn't having it today. 

"Sorry ain't helping my foot from bleeding internally, now is it, McCloud!?" Falco's outburst now catching the attention of the others aboard the ship but no one bothered to completely acknowledge it.

"Would you quit being such a drama queen?" Fox tossed his head back. "I didn't have to say sorry in the first place." He finished while scoffing rudely with a roll of his eyes.

The short tempered bird let out a grunt at Fox's words. Fox bent down, setting the last two boxes atop each other before feeling a rough tap on his shoulder. He rose up from his bent position to look at the frowning Falco, and before he could let a word out, the vulpine was so rudely cut off by the harsh tone of his teammate.

"Who you callin' a damn queen first of all?" 

Fox honestly wasn't in the mood for yet another childish argument. But with Falco's consistent aggressive demeanor, it was pretty much inevitable now. 

"Look..Falco.." Fox started off but wasn't able to continue on the account of his oh so obnoxious bird brain of a teammate interrupting him once more.

"No, no, YOU look, shit head, and listen closely to me." Falco's feathered finger now poking at Fox's chest brutally. "Don't make me shove my foot so far up your ass that you'll be tasting it with that bitches Christmas dinner in there."

Fox grit his teeth at those final words, swatting the avian's hand away as he poked at his chest now.

"Insulting me is one thing, but you don't ever bad mouth Krystal, or anyone else on this ship!" Fox commanded with clear vexation in his tone.

Falco wasn't phased by his words in the slightest, it only angered him further. The boiling bird lowered his gaze to Fox's finger that poked at his chest, then slowly lifted his head back up to share a death glare with him. 

At this moment in time Falco was done exchanging words, he was taking action now.

With what felt like the blink of an eye, Falco took a swift step back, aiming to connect a high kick to Fox's snout. If it wasn't for his superior sheer agility Fox wouldn't have blocked the attack with a fierce roundhouse kick. Causing the clashing of their metal boots to ring throughout half the ship. 

Seeing how not one of the crew mates felt the need to question the sound or bothered to see what caused it, the two heated boys could make a quick assumption they believed it must've been an ornament one of the two dropped.

Without further reluctance, Falco resumed their battle. He swung his leg back down to it's original position and turned his back to Fox and try back handing him. The versatile vulpine had yet again avoided getting striked by halting Falco's arm and tried to push it away. But while Fox had the upper hand in speed, Falco excelled in strength. He pulled his arm away with force to make Fox lose just the slightest bit of balance, which was all he needed. He then took that chance to elbow Fox in the stomach followed by a second blow to the chin with his boot. 

The force of the blow prompted Fox to stumble back, letting out a dissatisfied grunt. "You're out of hand, Falco.." 

"Nah Foxy. You may be able to have these idiots obey your every command, but you won't be getting away with that on me.."

Fox was fed up with the disrespectful bird. The pointless banter and physica confrontation were only mild to him. But continously going out of his way to bad mouth his team ignited something in the canine that spread like wildfire. Fox's face scrunched up and he lunged at the smirking avian.

Two speedy high jabs and a few body blows that followed after were blocked effortlessly by Falco. Fox tossed out a low kick aimed at his shin that was also blocked but quickly switched it to an axe kick that broke through Falco's guard and landed the heel of his boot on his head. Fox took that as an opportunity to jolt back then plant the sole of his boot directly into Falco's cheek. The avian's head turned from the kick as he was the one stumbling backwards this time and he angrily spat blood onto the floor of the ship. Fox, now back in his default fighting stance, beckoned the bird over for more.

"You little..." Falco groaned out.

The two went back at it now exchanging cruel blows to each other's faces, bodies, and legs that were sure to leave bruises and cuts after this was over. As time went on the boys had ended up across the room from each other, panting exhaustedly. They both had the same idea in mind when their hands found their way to the blaster's on their hips lying in the holsters. Falco let Fox take his out first, grinning maliciously. 

"Try me, McCloud." Falco scoffed to only further provoke his leader.

Without a moment of hesitation, Fox had fired his blaster across the room at Falco, who quickly tapped his reflector. Fox's blaster shot was sent back his way but didn't stop the agile canine from rolling out of the way of his backfire. While Fox was busy avoiding the shot, Falco revealed his own blaster and sent blue lasers towards him. The vulpine maneuvered his way around the lasers just as easily then returned the favor by letting loose on Falco. 

After what felt like forever, a vast amount of holes from their projected energy weapons were embedded into the walls of the ship, decorations had fallen from shelves, and suddenly the two boys had dropped down to the metal floor with a loud thud. 

They hadn't shot each other, but Peppy Hare made sure to calm the two down by tasing Fox and Falco while they were unaware of his presence.

"This LRT really does come in handy Slippy!" Peppy exclaimed before flipping the Long Range Taser in mid air then catching it again.

Fox and Falco were now growing weary eyed due to the after effect of the so called LRT, which was sleep. Aware the two were soon to knock out, Peppy stood tall with both hands rested behind his back. 

"When you boys awaken, you're gonna learn to get along. Whether you like it..or not." Peppy huffed out the rest before quickly rolling his eyes exasperatedly.

With that, the clever hare walked out of the room and back to the kitchen with the toad to passionately discuss his plan for when the boys woke up. The rest of the team, being Krystal and R.O.B, were soon informed about Peppy's outlandish plan. Now all that was left to do was to put it into place.

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