Fanfiction Contradiction

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Fanfiction Contradiction

Although you lived in the bunker with all the boys, and knew how their lives had unfolded through personal experience, you couldn't help but read the book series by Carver Edlund that described every single moment of their existence. And not only their lives were a part of this crazy tale. Everyone and everything that they ever ran into was in here. Including you.

And of course, with a fictional novelic series, comes fanfiction. Lots of fanfiction. Currently you were scrolling through Wattpad on your laptop, trying to decide which (Y/N) x Reader to judge. You weren't searching for something particular or anything like that, but the title "(Y/N)/Castiel Smut" did indeed draw your attention quite quickly. With a chuckle you clicked on it, just out of curiosity.

But not ten seconds later Dean and Castiel walked into the bunker. As soon as you saw them you jumped from your seat a little, and slammed your laptop closed, sliding it to the center of the table in front of you.

Thank God the boys didn't notice your scrambling.

They both walked over to you, greeting you with a smile before sitting down. Cas sat next to you at the head of the table, and Dean sat directly across from you.

"Alright, so we might have a vampire in Missouri...?" Dean sheepishly proposed, guilty that he had failed to find a case for all of you to work. After the British Men of Letters came, there wasn't really that much to hunt anymore. It was a blessing and a curse, to be honest.

"C'mon Dean? You might have a case? This just looks like a drug deal gone wrong to me... what, was the victim possibly drained of blood?" Your sarcasm was light and joking, as you crossed your arms, glacing nervously at the laptop in front of you while he spoke.

"Oh, shut up." He snarkily commented, making a face. "Look, if you don't think it is, then by all means, tell us otherwise, but I'll bet I'm right on this one. Here, I'll pull it up for you to see."

He reached for your laptop and your eyes widened. You leaned foreward to grab it, but Dean got to it first, looking at you as if you were crazy.

"What, is there something on here you don't want me to see?" He smirked, laptop still sitting closed in his hands. You made a grab at him again, but he moved his arms closer to himself, computer still out of your reach.

You shifted your eyes to Castiel, who was suddenly paying attention to the situation, head titled and an eyebrow raised at you.

"No, Dean, it-it's nothing, just give me back my-" You started.

"Oh. My. God. Really, (Y/N)?" He mused, opening the device. His eyes scanned the page for a few seconds before adding, "I didn't know you were into that... this is ship this?" He said, scrolling through the first few paragraphs of smut you had yet to read.

"Dean, stop it!" Your face turned as red as blood, defense raising up in your voice.

"What are you two going on about already?" Castiel interjected himself into the conversation, dying to know what the two were quarreling over.

Dean responded promptly, "Well, Cas, it seems that (Y/N)'s been up to some naughty things..."

Your frustration grew after he said that, meanwhile Castiel was still rather perplexed.

"What... 'kind' of things?" Cas asked the both of you, not knowing what to expect. His eyes gave away no emotions except for curiosity and impatience, and his head titled to the side again, wondering which of his two friends was going to answer him first.

"Cas, ignore Dean. I didn't do anything." You tried to defend yourself, glaring at the Winchester with a burning animosity in your eyes.

"Oh, you did nothing, then? You call this nothing?" Dean retorted, clearing his throat before continuing, "Cas walked into the room, attractive as per usual. (Y/N) glanced his angelic figure over as he passed by her, slowly and subtly checking out his body. Oh how she wished she could take off that trenchcoat of his, along with the rest of his clothes."

Castiel stood speechless at the words that had come out of Dean's mouth, from the computer. He kept shifting his gaze from you to Dean, and back to you again. Meanwhile the anger seemed to literally be fuming from you ears like an animated cartoon, and you struggled to control your temper any longer.

"That's it, Winchester!" You finally screamed, stepping on top of the table, and jumping off to the other side where Dean resided. He arose from his chair, suddenly fearful of you, and no longer laughing. You two maintained eye contact for about a fraction of a second before Dean bolted, laptop still in hand.

"Come back here, you son of a bitch!" You bellowed through the bunker, chasing after him. You ran as fast as your legs could carry you, but Dean seemed just impossibly fast.

But back in the other room, Cas was still contemplating what he'd just heard. It was implausible to even consider that you could have been attracted to him, till that moment. And trust me, did he think about it.

I mean, if you were reading things like that about the two of you, then is that how you truly felt? Did you really want to do those things to Castiel?

His mind was suddenly racing, running faster than even Dean was from you, at that moment. (You were starting to catch up to the Winchester at that point, still cussing your heart out along the way.) It was at this point Castiel realized that he wouldn't mind it. No, he wouldn't mind that at all.

Visions sprang into his head of all of the things he'd wanted to do to you, and all the things you could do for him... he became lost in this daydream till both you and Dean came running back, having made an entire lap around the bunker already.

He shook his head from his thoughts, watching as you finally pried the device from Dean's hands, and were trying to delete all of your internet history.

"Look, Cas, I'm sorry about that." You admitted, not even attempting to make eye contact with him, just focused on getting rid of all evidence the eldest Winchester could use against you.

"(Y/N), you realize that was... highly innapropriate of you?" Cas questioned stuffing his hands in his coat pockets.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I was just..." You tried to think of a convincing excuse, but could come up with nothing on the spot. Regardless, you still rose your eyes to meet the angel's, not wanting to be a coward about what you had done.

"I understand. It seems reasonable for you to do something like that. After all, perhaps you would be a great... "amour," so to speak."

You and Dean were utterly shocked at his bold choice of words, and stared blankly at him for a moment before you decided to speak up.

"E-Excuse me?" You stuttered, still baffled. Your face was heating quickly, and you could hear Dean chuckling behind you.

"I believe that we would could have a compatible passion, as displayed in that so called, 'fanfiction' of yours." He explained, trying to decipher what could possibly be going on in your head.

But he truly didn't need to think any longer, as you crashed your lips unto his.

I'm feeling a part two guys coming, what about you? Comment your thoughts or predictions down below! And don't forget to vote on this, if you enjoyed!

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