The Taste (Human!Cas)

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The Taste

After Cas was kicked from the bunker by Dean, you were rather... secretive.

That is, you'd sneak Castiel into the bunker whenever Sam and Dean were away on a case. You'd drag him from his home of a convenience store (which took little to no coersion) and hang out with him. Since he was literally living in the store room of a Gas n' Sip, whenever you picked him up he was ecstatic, and curious to know what new activity you had planned for him that day.

Today was no different, and as per usual, he was trying to guess what you had in store for him. Although making quite interesting guesses, none of them were near what you had in mind.

Once the two of you arrived at the bunker, you immediately took Cas by the arm, and practically dragged him to the kitchen.

"What are we doing?" He asked with a small smile that made your insides melt. Ever since he lost his grace and became human, everything about him became heightened. It seemed as though the bad times were now devastating, and the good times were utterly delightful and blissful.

This was one of those times, where Castiel was grinning ear to ear. His joy was overly-evident, seeing as how excited he was.

"I am going to be teaching you how to bake today, Cas!" You said, returning the smile, and opening a cupboard full of ingredients. You grabbed a few select items from the bottom shelf, and started to explain the basics.

"Now before we do anything, I have some ground rules. The first rule is to not open the oven without oven mitts, unless I tell you it's not on." You grabbed a pair of mitts from a drawer, and tossed them onto the counter. Castiel nodded slowly at this, and stuck his hands in his jean pockets, intent on following all directions.

"Second rule is to clean up as you go. Once we've finished with a untensil we're positive we aren't using again, we will wash it in the sink." This was then followed by you grabbing a set of dry measuring cups, some measuring spoons, a metal bowl, a teaspoon, and of course, a whisk.

"How do we know if we're done with the utensil?" Castiel asked you inquisitively.

"I'll tell you, don't worry about it." You put an arm on his shoulder, before looking down at his disheveled state. His hair was ruffled, his hands weren't the cleanest, and the cuffs on his sleeves were loose and unbuttoned.

You grabbed a hair tie from your wrist and pulled your hair back from your face as you recited aloud, as if from memory,

"Step three is making sure you are prepared to cook. Your hair has to be up, you sleeves up, and your hands have to be washed. There are no exceptions." You emphasized, walking over to him and grabbing one of his arms. You folded the sleeve carefully above his elbow, before doing the same with the other arm. You then traveled over to the sink and turned on the water.

Once he washed his hands, you washed yours. As opposed to drying them with a towel however, you simply flicked water onto Castiel's face with your fingers, causing him to chuckle.

He raised an arm to his face, wiping off his wet skin, "Was that necessary?" His low voice grumbled, with a slight smile that revealed he wasn't truly annoyed.

"No..." You admitted. "But it was pretty funny."

After this, you gathered a large amount of ingredients. These included granualated sugar, brown sugar, two sticks of butter, a small vial of vanilla, and a single egg. And then, you got out the flour, baking soda, and a package of semi-sweet chocolate chips.

"So, does this whole thing really taste like vanilla?" Castiel questioned, holding up the tiny transparent bottle of the dark liquid.

You snatched it away quickly, explaining, "No! This tastes absolutely wretched till you mix it with all the other stuff!" You shivered, recalling when you were little, and had made the same assumption as Castiel just did. With that memory, you swear you could almost feel the harsh, bitter taste of the liquid pour down your throat. Eugh.

"Alright, so Cas, I'm gonna need you to grab those sticks of butter and put them in the bowl." You said, making use of the oblivious erstwhile angel. He nodded in understanding, and unwrapped the butter slowly from its packaging, and letting the butter plop down into the metal bowl. Next, you had him measure 3/4 a cup of brown sugar, followed by granulated sugar.


You finally managed to put all the ingredients in the bowl, after much struggle. You taught Castiel how to mix it up with a whisk, which was actually rather difficult, considering the texture of the batter. Nonetheless, you got the job done.

"Okay, so now what we need to do is take our teaspoons-" You paused to toss Cas a spoon, which he successfully caught, "-and we need to get little balls of dough onto the sheet, like so."

You grabbed a bit of batter with the spoon, and rolled it into a bit of a ball shape, before placing it down on the baking sheet.

Castiel followed your lead, and did this surprisingly easily. Within no time, you had the cookies in the oven, set at 375°F.

You grinned at him once they were in the oven. He returned the gesture with a great big smile, that seemed to light up the room.

"And now... we wait." You concluded, setting the timer on the stove. You went back to the bowl with the remaining batter, and licked some off of the side of the bowl with your finger.

"I've heard that can make you ill, eating it raw." Cas interjected, which made you roll your eyes.

"That hardly ever happens. Besides, it's sooo good!" You exclaimed, dipping your finger into the bowl again, and getting a bit of cookie batter on it.

"Try it, Cas." You said, holding the batter to his lips. He looked at you for a second, before hesitantly parting his lips and letting them close around your finger. You could feel his tongue graze over the pad of your finger, licking off the mixture.

"Mmm..." he hummed, pleased immensely. He then let go of your finger. "I didn't know cookie batter could taste this good." He admitted. This lead you to laugh, grabbing a teaspoon from earlier and filling it with more leftover mixture.

"Here." You said, holding the cutlery to his lips this time, instead of your finger. But you had to admit you didn't mind him eating off of your index finger in the slightest... you shook off the thought as he consumed the spoonful, asking for more.

"No, Cas. Then you really will get sick!" You laughed, taking a spoonful of batter yourself.

His face pouted for a second, before veering into a smirk of sorts, studying your upper lip. Before you had time to process, he'd already pressed his lips against yours, licking the mix from your top lip with his tongue. You smiled as he still continued to kiss you, despite there being no batter left on your mouth. It was a sweet gesture, which you returned wholeheartedly.

"Cas..." You giggled into his kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck. He took this as an opportunity to slip his tongue in between your lips, and explore your mouth.

"You taste like cookies..." You thought to yourself.

Cas, of course, responded sarcastically to your thought rather immediately, "Really, I wonder why?"

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