Chapter 1

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   The hallways are always so lonely walking alone. Watching the faces go by. Laughing. Going in slow motion of every move people make. You notice alot when alone, even hear better.

   "Haha yeah and- Oh it's that creep...!" Yoonbum flinched once he heard that dreadful word. Creep. Isn't there a better word to call me? Shy? Nothing makes sense... Indeed, it was always like this at the University. Words and insults coming out of the mouths of the so called innocents and paranoids.  It never lightened the fact that he accepted it soon on. What else could he do? Bicker and wait for someone to join and take his side? Yoonbum already got the idea that no one cares about him here. Even on the outside of the grounds.

   Staring helplessly into a book never blocked out the threats of small glares from peers. Today was different though.

   There was a very good looking newcomer in class. A few minutes ago they entered actually, not alot of introducing for them but it was enough to get Yoonbum's attention and the many others. They shaped in the right way, their scent was strong to get him to the moon and back, but best of all they were sitting in front of him. He didn't complain but he did liked it if they just moved back with him. Not everyday at least or maybe everyday, he didn't want to freak them out. That's what his main concern was. His plan was to be friends with this person without making them one of the many a bullies at this damned place.

   "Hello...can I be partners with you to get me caught up with the class? I'm new here."

   Oh what joy that sprung.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2018 ⏰

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