Room For Two

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Thanks for the first request! This won't be a collection I'll be updating too frequently, but I'll take any requests for ships, action, friendship fics or any sort of P5 story you can think of! Just message me!

"Can you do a really fluffy AkiraxAnn story where he has a nightmare or something and she comforts him? Thanks!"

Akira sat up in shock, fear and pain jolting through his body. He breathed heavily as he wiped at the sweat on his forehead. Rubbing his eyes, he recalled flashbacks of the nightmare. Another one, just like always. His friends dying before his eyes because he was too weak to protect them. It was something he feared every single day.

Running a hand through his hair, he continued panting, his heart racing so fast it was physically hurting, and then he remembered where he was, and clamped a hand over his mouth in an attempt to slow his breathing.

They were in Hawaii, on a school trip, but both Ann and Ryuji's roommates had other ideas, so the two had ended up with Akira and Mishima. After a fight to see who's sleep where, Mishima and Ann got the two beds, Ryuji copped the floor and Akira got the couch.

Looking around, he hoped he hadn't woken any of them. Ryuji was snoring as usual, Mishima was out like a light and Ann..

Ann was sitting up slightly, the soft moonlight seeping through the window revealing her worried expression as she looked at Akira, sitting there breathing heavily while clutching his chest.

"W-what's wrong?" she asked softly.

After getting no response out of him, she sat up a little further.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine.. sorry I woke you.." Akira rubbed at his eyes again, sighing deeply.

"No, don't be. I can't sleep with Ryuji snoring like that any way," she tried to lighten the mood, "was that another nightmare..?"

Akira simply nodded, and Ann slid over in her bed, kicking the covers down.

"C'mere." she said simply.

"Wh- but.."

"No buts, come over here," she spoke a little more forcefully.

Akira did as he was told, and climbed off the couch, his knees shaking to his dismay, and he climbed in beside Ann, who draped the covers over the two of them.

"Right, now we can talk easier. What was it about?" she inquired.

"It doesn't matter.." Akira closed his eyes, frowning.

"It does," Ann poked at his forehead, "something's bothering you. You're my friend, I don't want to see you hurting. What's wrong?"

Akira opened his eyes, knowing it was pointless to fight with her.

"Just the same thing again.."

"Akira.." Ann sighed, knowing full well the dream he had all too regularly, preventing him from sleeping properly and ultimately leaving him exhausted every day.

"It's fine."

"It's not. Can you get back to sleep if you stay here?"

Akira's cheeks reddened a little, and he was glad it was mostly dark.



"I'll be fine, Ann," he regained his composure.


This is where she got him. As much as he hated to worry his friends, much to their chagrin, he couldn't lie to her when it came to a promise. This is where she often used his kind heart against him.


"Thought so," Ann sighed.

She then moved to take him into her arms. His head rested on her shoulder, one hand rubbing circles gently on his back, the other scratching behind his ear as she played with his hair. A quick kiss on the forehead, and Akira found his eyes already getting heavy. He was supposed to be the strong one, but he felt so safe in her arms.

Ann smiled warmly at Akira, who was almost too cute for words as he quickly fell asleep once again in her arms. She loved to hold him, and as she played with his curls, she couldn't help but lean in and give him the gentlest of kisses on his soft lips as he slept.

It's a good thing this bed has room enough for two, she thought to herself.

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