Chapter 3

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I got up the next morning, I kicked my legs over the side of the bed, my feet not even touching the floor. I dropped down from the bed a few inches to the soft carpeted floor. I looked to my right out of my window, more out of habit than expecting something. What do you know.

"Holy shit," I said as I looked out the window. Snow, it was snowing, the trees were covered with the seldom-seen almost mystical snow. I turned to my drawer and got dressed. Black jeans, a red T-shirt and gray sweater, and retrieving my glasses from the nightstand, along with my dark green digital watch, I went out of my room and proceeded down the hall to the living room.

"There's no school," my mom said as I walked into the room.

"About 4 inches by the end of the day," She continued. She always seemed to know what I was thinking it was kind of creepy. I went from the living room to the kitchen, pouring myself a bowl of cereal and went back to my room. Taking my breakfast with me. Just as I set my bowl down I heard Amber Pacific play,m I jumped a little. The guitar, drums and singer playing in perfect harmony.

"Take me back to your heart, a place to remember I'll always be yours..." was cut off when I finally found my silver phone, under my desk, not sure how it got there though.

"Hello," I said.

"Hey you," I heard Rebeca say, her voice didn't sound anything like it did in person. But I guess that was how it always was.

"I was wondering if you," She paused before going on, "If you wanted to take a walk in the snow?" She asked.

"Sure of coarse, I'll drive to your place, ok, be there in 10" I responded, this would be a good time to ask some questions.

"Sure," She sounded enthusiastic.

"Bye," She continued.

"Bye," I said, and she hung up. So did I and I my cell in my pocket. I donned a heavy coat and started for the door.

"I'm going to Rebeca's and going to take a walk!" I said loudly trying not to yell, so that my mom would hear.

"Be careful, the roads are slippery," I heard her yell back.

I got in my Kia and started the car and waited for it to warm up. I was probability the only driver that still enjoyed the snow. For all it's promise of a a slick drive, no matter how short your trip was, I mused to myself. I eased the car out of the driveway, and drove to Rebeca's. It only usually took 5 minutes to get to Rebeca's house but I was being careful, and with the warm up time, I arrived in a little earlier then 10 minutes. I stepped out the door in my heavy boot, black, they matched my jeans. I closed the door and saw Rebeca come out of the house, she must have heard the door of the car close. We started walking towards each other, then about half way through she broke into a run to me. When she got close I braced for impact. But it wasn't enough, she jumped, wrapping her arms and legs around me. Bearing me to the ground, she kissed me passionately, over and over, like their was no tomorrow, I knew why she was acting this way. We were both sinking into the snow, after a minute, she finally let me get up. And we started walking away from the house in the snow, in no particular direction

"Please don't tell me that you were afraid that Jene would have taken me again," I said, already knowing the answer.

"Well... yes, I was afraid she would have taken you, and hurt you worst than yesterday," She said, hurt.

"Well if she hurt me any worst than yesterday, she would have killed me," I said confused, and realized very quickly what she meant. And I even quicker than than that I hated myself for saying that, I was so stupid I should have known that would happen.

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