Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I sat in the back of the car seat, very distraught. However I didn't regret what I did, I did what I had to do, to insure the safety of my Mom, and Rebeca, for that I had no regrets.

"I'm sorry it had to turn out this way, but..." I heard Jene trail off. Jene drove past her house, I saw it pass in the window, and watched it pass.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked panic creeping into my voice.

"Somewhere Rebeca will not find you," She said. We drove further on for about 20 more minutes. Until we parked in the middle of the woods. The only road leading to this spot was a dirt one, looked like it hadn't been used in years. Jene got out of the car.

"So tell me, why should I get out of the car without a fight?" I asked, completely willing to lose, but fight her off none-the-less.

"Because I don't really want to bite you in the car, and do you know how hard blood stains are to get out of your seats, I do, trust me, it's really fucking hard," She informed me. I got out of the car, shuting the door behind me. She led me for about 5 minutes through the trees and shrubs, until we got to an old cemetery. It was really ill maintained: there were no flowers on the graves, some of the graves were dug up, the gravestones were extremely weathered and the writing on the gravestones were unreadable. In the center of the graveyard was a weathered altar, with a pair of crystal old fashion goblets, newer than the altar. Next to the altar was a young girl dressed in a pure black wedding gown, it was Nena.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, what the fuck is this?" I asked, not believing what I was seeing.

"This is your wedding," Jene told me pushing me ahead. I didn't budge.

"My WHAT!" I exclaimed, I tried to back away, but like me, Jene didn't move a muscle.

"Your wedding," She repeated. I tried to spin around her but she caught me by the throat and started dragging me to the altar, my hands instinctively at her arm trying to pull her away from my neck.

"Well can you at least tell me who?" I asked, not really wanting to know.

"Me," She replied. Well at least it was her and not Nena, but still... I trailed in my thought.

"What are the goblets for?" I asked. Again not really wanting to know but for information sake, I wanted to know.

"They are for the bonding ceremony that usually follows a vampiric wedding," She replied. What? A bonding ceremony, that couldn't be good. I really really needed to get out of here. I struggled against Jene's iron grip anew, but to no avail. She was careful not to strangle me while she was taking me by the throat.

"I don't see how this wedding is going to go, I'm defiantly not going to stand up and I don't think it's going to work unless I actually participate in this. So...What exactly is my instinctive?" I asked, bringing up a valid point.

"Well, you are right, usually weddings have long boring vow exchanges and such, same with vampiric weddings except the only thing that really needs to happen is the exchanging of blood and drinking. That is the only thing that needs to happen, and we can easily force you into that. And I don't have to worry about this being official, the only reason this is happening at all is because my mother wanted this wedding to occur. But we can skip all the formalities because she isn't here, the only thing she will be able to see is the result of you drinking my blood," She explained. She did stump me. I really didn't know how to counter that, not that my complete ignorance in the matter didn't help.

"So... What exactly will drinking your blood make me do differently," I asked, and once again, not really wanting to know.

"It'll make you feel affection for me, call it a love-hate thing, with me loving you, and you having no choice but to love me, but really, deep down, you'll hate me with every fiber of your being," She said. And she was absolutely right. We reached the altar and Jene lifted me up by my throat and put me down on the altar.

"Wait, are you telling me that you would rather me love you "skin deep" and force me. Than just letting me go? Could you really live with me, knowing that deep down I hate you for this?" I asked her.

"Nena, the knife please," She said in a smooth and calm voice, completely ignoring me. Nena gave her the knife that she was holding that I didn't even realize she was holding.

"Thank you," Jene said. She held one hand on my throat and the knife in her other hand. I couldn't believe what she did next with that knife.

Jene got up on the altar and pinned my body to the altar with her legs and with the knife cut her wrist and lifted the goblet to her wrist, the blood was filling up the goblet. She closed her wound when the goblet was full. She set the goblet a safe distance away from me, and took the other goblet.

"You do know that I can't close my own wounds, right?" I asked, getting real nervous.

"Yes, I know that, but luckily for us, Nena has a ointment that seals tears in the flesh or you would quickly bleed to death," She said with a smile. Damn she had an answer for everything, she must have planned this out throughly. She held out on of my arms and pinned it against the altar. She held the knife to my skin and cut my wrist, I cried out, it hurt bad. My blood started to drain out of my wrist into the goblet, it was filling up faster than I thought it would've. Nena handed Jene a small bottle, like the little perfume bottles you see in stores. Jene dripped some on my wrist and the slice in my arm quickly mended. Since Jene was distracted, I threw with all my might and turned so that she would fall off me and luck was on my side. Jene toppled on to Nena, I leaped off the altar and ran and ran for my life. I went faster than I thought any human could go, but I heard Jene and Nena hot on my tail. I couldn't keep this speed up for much longer, and they would catch me and drag me back to the altar to finish the Bonding Ceremony. But I kept running and running, I didn't cry out though. No one would be able to hear me, I was about a mile into the forest and their wasn't anyone to hear me scream. I knew it was an effort in futility in running but I had to do it, I would never forgive my self if I just let it happen without any fight, even a fruitless one. I glanced behind me and I didn't see anyone but I didn't slow down, they wouldn't have given up so easily. I saw a break in the trees and bearly had time to stop running. There was only about 5 steps between the ending of the trees and about a 200 foot fall off the cliff, I stopped with just about 2 feet to go. I backed up, knowing it wasn't safe that close to the edge. I felt back push against something soft, quite possibly a body.

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