An answer. / / / Part 12

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After hours of sitting in the hospital lobby, a doctor walks in and says. 'Craig Tucker.' Tricia and I stand up, the doctor asks. 'Who is who?' Tricia says. 'I'm his sister.' I say. 'I-I'm h-his boyfriend.' The doctor nods and says. 'You can see him, he hasn't woken up yet but he is alive and should make a recovery.' I smile as I walk quickly into the hospital room, I open the door and see Craig, he is connected to a heart monitor, I.V tube and oxygen mask.

I walk closer to him, I see a tiny smile grow on his face, I can't help but smile at him, he looks like he is having a good dream. I kiss his forehead and a nurse comes in. 'Oh.' I say. 'Oh, h-hi.' The nurse says. 'What would you have done if he woke up?' I say. 'I would have been hugged? What t-type of question is that?' I notice whenever I'm around Craig my stutter isn't bad, even when he's asleep.

She says. 'Why would he want to be with a boy? He's too hot for that.' I blush rubbing the back of my neck. 'H-he's my b-boyfriend. . .' Tricia walks in and says. 'So, have you made out with Craig yet?' I stutter. 'H-he's asleep.' Tricia laughs. 'And? I'm sure Craig would be over the moon to kiss you.' The nurse asks. 'I'm guessing you know the blonde?' Tricia nods. 'Yeah, the gay asleep is Craig, and the gay right there, that's his boyfriend.'

The nurse says. 'Oh, so they're a homosexual couple?' Tricia nods. 'Yeah, now, can I talk to my brother? Or is he like?' The nurse says. 'He's asleep so he won't remember any of this, we're not even sure if he could have memory loss, but you can talk to him if you want.' The nurse shortly leaves as Tricia stands next to me and hands me something. 'Here.' I ask. 'What?' She says. 'Craig would probably prefer if you held onto his phone for him.'

I nod taking the phone from her, I hear a small groan as I see Craig open one eye slightly, I smile as I quickly hug Craig, I smile as I kiss his cheek. 'Craig! Thank the lords you're awake!' Craig smiles wrapping his arms around me. 'Hey, babe. . . I'm sorry, I shut my eyes. . .'I laugh. 'I don't care! I'm just happy you're awake!' Craig smiles kissing my check. 'I'm just happy I can hold you again. . . I was so afraid I would never get to hold you again.'

I smile. 'I'm never letting go of you, I promise, you'll get to hold me for all eternity.' Craig smiles. 'Good.' Tricia says. 'This is so much better than Yuri on ice yaoi!' Craig flips Tricia off and asks. 'Is mum and dad coming?' Tricia nods. 'Yeah, they'll be here soon.' I still hold onto Craig, I don't want to lose him anytime soon.

I sit down but still holding onto Craigs' hand, a doctor comes in and says. 'Oh, you're awake?' Craig nods. 'Yeah.' The doctor asks. 'What is the last thing you remember?' Craig answers. 'Laying on the kitchen floor pissing blood out of my guts while my boyfriend held something to my guts to try and stop it.' The doctor nods. 'Ok, who is she?' The doctors point to Tricia, Craig answers. 'Tricia Tucker, my younger sister.' Tricia nods, and the doctor points to me and asks. 'Ok, who is he?' Craig answers. 'Tweek Tweak, my boyfriend.' I nod and the doctor asks. 'What is your mothers' name?' He answers. 'Laura Tucker.' The doctor nods. 'What is your fathers' name?' Craig answers. 'Thomas Tucker.' The doctor nods and leaves the room, I ask whispering into Craigs' ear. 'Do you remember what you said to me in your room?' He nods as a smirk grows on his face, he whispers into my ear. 'After I get out of the hospital, how about we go back to one of our places and. . .you know, have sex.'

I blush a deep red and just nod in response, Tricia laughs and says. 'You two forgot I'm still in the room.' I quickly blush a deep red and sit back in a hospital chair, Craig just laughs. 'Do you mind leaving for a second Tricia?' She nods saying. 'Ok but if I hear the heart monitor go fast, I'm going to think somethings happening.' Craig laughs as she exits, I ask. 'What do you want to talk about?' Craig pulls me close to him and whispers stuff into my ear in the most seductive voice he can make.

I get extremely aroused and I whisper. 'Craig, I um, I need to go to the toilet.' Craig smirks. 'Aw, is that all I have to say to give you a boner?' I say. 'Craig. . .' He quickly leans in and kisses me, his tongue sliding into my mouth, I moan into the kiss. 'I love you.' He pulls back and smirks. 'Love you too.'

Hope you enjoyed! Bye!

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