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Sunlight streamed into my closed eyes, causing me to squeeze them tightly. I felt an arm around my waist, holding me close, and I sighed inwardly. It had been four weeks, four blessedly awesome weeks. I reluctantly opened my eyes, to see Chris arms, one resting beneath my head, the other around my waist.

His room reflected back at me, all looking very much like a fancy hotel room, rather than a teenage guy's. I could hear him faintly snoring in my ear, and I couldn't help but smile. Easing myself out of his hold, I kissed his forehead, and got out of the bed. Tip-toeing I went to the bathroom, and started a shower.

You never knew how precious a shower really was, until you spent three days or so in a cell, underground, kidnapped by a Vampire Lord. The way it cascaded my back, I was still reminded of that first shift, the way the animal instincts had come in waves, of fury and pain.

Not wanting to, but my body had protested against the wolf inside of me, forcing me back into my humanity. But I had finally willingly gave in to the monster, and what a relief I had, a monkey of my back. I hadn't changed since though, for I was afraid what I would do, but I did plan on not under using my wolf form.

After quietly getting dressed I rushed downstairs to grab some breakfast, then get ready for later today. Running down the stairs, I made sure I didn't trip on the last one this time, I was quite sick of broken noses. Though I still skidded into the kitchen, but this time Ambrosia wasn't the one glaring at me.

"Hello, Ms. Rockforthy," I said politely to Chris's mom, and she nodded, which was more than I had expected from her. I walked over to the counter, each one of my steps seeming infinitely loud. The only seating in the whole kitchen was at the same table as she, and I reluctantly sat opposite of her.

Slowly I poured my milk in my cereal, watching her just blankly sip at her coffee. "Look, I'm sorry," she said suddenly. I almost choked on the spoonful of cereal in my mouth. I nodded, trying to swallow the mouthful but she continued on, "I was wrong. Ambrosia was not good for Chris, and I just couldn't see through that, I don't think anyone could." I did, but I was not about to tell her that, she was apologizing and that's all I could ask for.

"Thank You," I whispered, and she reached her hands out to mine taking both in hers, "You are what's right for him, your fathers were both right in the sense to make you betrothed." She smiled, and I did back, forcing the tears away from my eyes. At least, I might not be the person with the bat-crazy and hateful mother-in-law.

"Come on, don't we have something to plan," she perked up, and pulled me from my seat. We headed to the living room, leaving my almost full bowl of cereal behind.


"Where are we going, Kenzy?" Jake asked, expectantly, bouncing up and down between me and Chris as we all walked down to the cliff.

"To a special place daddy took me to when I was your age," I replied with a sad smile. But he didn't notice that, he just got more excited. He hadn't been to the sea coast since we left our previous house, which was now several months behind us.

He was holding both mine and Chris's hand, and I couldn't resist lifting him up by his arms into the air just like those heart-warming films about families who were just reunited. Technically that is what it was, except without all the lovey-dovey crap....okay that happened to, but just a little.

We reached the cliff, the sunset reflecting off the waves of the ocean in marvelous ways. Jake went crazy, running towards the edge of the cliff, and I had to pull him back by his shirt, but he was only playing around. I pulled him up onto my shoulders and a natural thought came to mind, "Pretty, huh, Jake?" I asked.

"Yeah, it is," he said back down to me, "I painted this just for you, and asked God to put it up on his wall of the sky, so all could see the image of your inner beauty," I repeated my father's word's.

He reacted just like I had hoped, "Thank you, Kenzy," he whispered. I set him down, "Go get us a ton of flowers,"

He ran off, and Chris's arms snaked around my waist, "Have I told you how very much I love you?" he rumbled in my ear. I laughed then twisted my head to kiss his lips. My soul mate.

We stayed like that for awhile, until I realized the time. Hurriedly I rushed us all back to the house.

When we arrived at the front door, "Jake, why don't you go and open the door?" I whispered. He shrugged and ran ahead, twisting the knob. I and Chris were right behind as we watched his face light up as the room burst into a roar of "Surprise!"

Today was Jake's fifth birthday, and I felt like I was getting old. I might not be his mother, but I was the closest thing to it in his short life. He sat on my lap as he opened his many presents, a twirl of cakes, wrapping paper and laughter.

Things have now fallen into place, all those empty questions have been answered, all the lies forgotten, all the people I love found.

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