Familiar Dark

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      The house was dark, run-down, abandoned, and creepy. 

"Of course he'd want us here." The voice behind sounds just as irritated as I feel. I turn quickly, pulling out my obsidian knife just as the person behind me grabs my arm, twists it and pushes forward, popping it out of place. I growl in pain and drop the knife, before I jump at my attacker. I effectively take him to the ground and grab the knife on the ground a few feet away. I pin him, my black blade against his throat. I push, drawing out some blood from the wound. 

He hisses at me, his fangs bared. "Like looking in a mirror, aye Connor?" I roll my eyes and get up, wincing as my dislocated arm touches the ground. Daniel  gets up from the ground and dusts off his denim jean and his leather jacket, his cut already scarred over. He looks amused when he sees my pain.

"Need help, brother?" I growl at him, baring my own teeth. 

"Fuck off. I've got it." I quickly snap my arm back in place, biting the inside of my cheek to keep from crying out. Daniel scopes out the area, keeping an eye out for unwanted company.

"Why did our father ask us here?" He groans in disgust at the very thought of our dad.

"Why does dad do anything?" I sigh and we walk to the old house. As we reach the door, we place our hand son the cross-shaped door knocker. 

"How appropriate." My brother scoffs.

"Dad always had his own sense of humor." My brother just rolls his eyes and whispers to the door knocker. 

"Pater autem etiam daemonia." The door opens slowly, quietly, eerily. We step through.

"You two could have been here sooner." We reach the only lit part of the dark, empty room. We each kneel, heads bowed, left arms diagonally across our chests up to the right shoulder.

"We were held up at the office, my Lord." Daniel spoke quietly but surely, a sign of both respect, strength and submission.

"Have you found it yet?"

"No. We lost our last lead. You should feel his strength coming to you soon." I try to mirror my brother's voice but I have always been a bit more rebellious than my brother which causes my voice to drip with a sarcastic venom. Pain shoots through my cheek and I bite my tongue, causing it to bleed deeply. Three new scars have already formed across my cheek, no matter how deep my father made them.

"Hurry! Everyday you WASTE is another day lost. Once you have found it, I may purge the human blood from your veins and you may become TRUE demons! Fit to lead my armies into battle against the Heavens and the Earth. To corrupt, and to kill all you deem fit. That you may become the Kings of Hell's Fires. "

"Your will shall be done." My dark heart swells a bit at my father's words. He gives praise like this rarely, and only to my brother. Though unexpected I am pleased.

"Now go,Beelzebub and Eurynome! Find me what I need. Bring me dark souls. Provide me strength!"

"We shan't fail, father. " We rise as the light that we were kneeling in disappears. We quickly leave and I head to my car, while Daniel walks the other way. Immediately, we reenter the human world. This world of darkness and evil .A world to be purged of good. My brother and I go our separate ways for the night. We have an empire to run. And a wicked deity to please.

What is UP my wolf pups?! I really hope that you guys enjoyed this newest installment! I had a lot of fun writing this a one. If you guys didn't already know I LOVE Latin! So i always put Latin in my writings but I also take particular care when naming my characters. Connor and Daniel's true names happen to be Beelzebub and Eurynome which actually mean the Prince of Demons and the Prince of Death. I chose these names quite specifically to support their true identities. But what these are, of course, are up to you! Tell me what you think, leave comments down below and I will see you again.

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