How to Survive

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Just a bit closer. Just a bit closer. My hand was so close to the table. These rich fools leave their wallets on table and chair but don't expect me to steal them? I felt the leather in my hand. I closed my hand around it and took off. 

"You BITCH! Get back here!" The idiot wouldn't chase me(he was in a nice suit) but that never meant others wouldn't. I kept running. Heading back to safety. My sanctuary. I feel my gold piece thump against my chest from its place tucked i my shirt. Feeling it reminds me to keep running to safety. 

The only pretty, living the entirety of the Blood Wolves territory. A giant willow tree, with its thin, swaying branches and thick sturdy one providing me with the perfect shelter. I kept running, faster and faster. Knowing anyone in their right mind wouldn't enter the territory of the Blood Wolves gang. Unless you're me.  My breath strains and my chest burns but as I see my tree in the distance I gain speed. Approaching faster and faster. . . .

I grab a branch above me and quickly hoist myself up. If I'm lucky, I wasn't seen. I take the wallet out of my old jacket pocket. Its a worn brown hoodie but it keeps me warm at night and indiscernible in the daylight.This new wallet, a fine quality black leather with an imprint I can't read, joins one other I have. Hopefully they last me until I get out there again. You have to allow the fuss to die down or else. . . 

"Hey babe! You seem a bit lonely up there!" I groan and look down. In the dimming twilight I can see its Nathaniel. Alone, for once. He's usually followed by armed men. Which can only mean one thing. 

"What do you want Nat?" I call down, too nervous to go down. Who knows what he's thinking?

"Oh Angel, he talks in a demeaning and lustful tone which makes me shudder, I'm just in the neighborhood. Tonight i'm just here to collect your rent."

"I paid the gang already for the month! Plus its a tree!"

"A tree on my turf, Angel!" He spits it out, clearly angry. I just hiss at him from up in my tree. I'm safe for now. If he was going to shoot me he would have had his gun drawn when he came. 

"Just give me the wallets and I'll let you go. If not  I'll have to come up. " I shudder again even though he's many feet away on the ground he disgusts me. And terrifies  me. I throw them down and he quickly scoops them up. He pretends to tip his hat to me and turns to walk away.  

"Its always a pleasure beautiful." 

"How in the FUCK am I supposed to feed myself Nathaniel?" He turns back, his dramatic tendencies ramping up. His lustful tone returns. 

"You know babe, you could always coke  with me to my place. I'm sure I can feed you something. . . " I practically puke. 

"Like HELL you will!" I quickly retreat farther up the tree as he saunters away laughing. Mocking me. I reach my favorite branch in near darkness with the only light being a nearby street lamp. An old blanket I found and a pair of gloves I stole sit there bundled up. Everything i have, my clothes, my bedding, my income, and this week my food, were either stolen or rummaged for. I quickly settle down under the blanket as harsh and frosty wind picks up. The early summer weather being prone to rain I prepare myself for a terrible night. 

I nestle in as best I can, trying to ignore the rumbling in my stomach. "What did you ever do Angel, i whispered to myself only, did you do to deserve this?"I finally fall into a restless dream. 

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