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   I'd been sitting by this fancy outdoor cafe for at least an hour. My muscles hurt from the strain, my stomach hurt from its emptiness, and my eyes hurt from the bright sunlight. I have to stay completely hidden, if I'm going to get a payday. I just need some rich fool to put his wallet on a nearby table. I sneak over, grab it. Just like usual. I'll have to ditch my jacket, I'm sure, and find something that won't be described on a police report. The familiar feeling of my black gold piece on its familiar chain around my neck leads me into a daydream. It reminds me of my father. I never knew my mom and I can barely remember him. He had dark black hair and green eyes. I conclude I got my appearance from my mom. He gave this to me when I was nine. Just a few days before . . .

"Right this way sir. Someone will be with you soon." I rip myself from my thoughts and tighten my muscles. I'm ready to pounce, to get in and out as quickly as possible. I watched the man sit down. From the back all I saw was a black suit. Business man obviously. Not many of them come here but if his office is nearby and he's on lunch. . . 

  Guess its just my lucky day. I watched him sit down and I made my way slowly over to him. 

Damn. He's not that much older than me, maybe 20,21 compared to my nineteen years. Bright blonde hair, blue eyes so light I can see it from my position a few feet away. I creep along as quietly as I can. He's seated at an outer table in circle of tables and chairs on the patio. Easy. 

I'm so close. So very close. . . and he looks at me. Turns his head in one sharp motion to look at me. I try not to let myself be paralyzed in fear. My face and hair are covered by my hood and shadowed by the shade provided from an overhead canopy, so hopefully he can't tell what I look like. My taut muscles move quickly, I grab the wallet and jump back. He lunged to grab me,damn he's fast, but I barely miss him and I take off running. 

People are screaming at me as I run away. I usually don't look back, too afraid if someone follows me but today I look. One quick look. He is still sitting there with a menacing smile on his face. I shudder and keep running. That look scares me. I am absolutely terrified that this is not the last time I may see him. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2018 ⏰

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