VI. fight club

369 28 18

TW: ¡ mentions of violence !

IT'S AS IF WE FIGHT FOR OUR LOVE, BUT WITHOUT THE LOVE PART. Sugar-coated knives caught my attention as you screamed at my face about how much you love me ( No. I know you don't. Liar. ) I told you to stay away from me. You ripped my heart and stepped on it with your acid stained shoes right in front of me. I can't trust you anymore. You used to tell me that I was yours, but I never was. I was one of many others.

Rings of saturn laced my fingers as you held my hand and kissed my knuckles. I knew the rings were fake, but I wore them anyway. For you. You told me they were made of diamonds and rubies sprinkled with drips of your love. Just for me, no one else. I saw the exact same rings on another boy near the park that night.

You kiss me like I'm a piece of heaven, and you're too scared to let go afraid that you'll go insane. Strawberry tainted lips fought with pearl white teeth at 10 in the night because of the fear of being taken apart. I told you I loved you the night the stars aligned right across the moon. Fate believes we are not meant to be. You believe that too.

Bruises bloomed inside our foul bodies as lamps were being thrown across the room and shelves were being pushed down. Books scattered and torn as my heart was being shredded into pieces by the lies that leaked through your eyes and dripped onto your oh so cherry ruby lips. You screamed that you loved me but I felt the poison filling up my lungs and choking me. I cried so much I threw up all the love I had for you right onto the shattered pieces of my heart scattered across the floor. You sobbed and screamed that I was yours. You dared speak against fate and declare love that was never love at all, you declared a heart ( my heart ) that was never meant to be yours ever. We weren't suppose to fall in love. I was never planning on falling in love. I told you I hated you. I hated you so much you made my guts spill onto the floor and puke up all yours lies I swallowed down to make them whisper to my heart that they were true. You yelled my name, but I couldn't hear you. Taehyung, I couldn't hear you. I wanted to punch your heart and shatter your ribs with my innocent knuckles that were stained with your dirty lips of lies and kisses of other boys.

You held me close to your chest, cradled me like I was your lifeline and you didn't want to die just yet. I told you, life is a cup of coffee that I never ordered. I told you I loved you. You hurt me.

"You're my absolute world." You sobbed into my ear, tears of sparkling jewels streamed down your cheeks like waterfalls, you say that as if you haven't told that to three other boys already.

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