Chapter 17

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In a weird turn of events, Peter has suddenly become one of the cooler kids at Midtown Tech.

Apparently, students dig it when you're treating a billionaire just like any other customer – ever since a video of Peter standing his ground on the taste testing two weeks ago found its way to some of his classmates, there've been a lot less voices joining in with Flash's favorite game whenever he sees Peter in the hallway.

That's not the only perk, though. He also isn't tripped much anymore or called a loser for his Star Wars T-shirts. So this is what normal High School life can be like?

"Wrong!" Flash barks, hitting the buzzer. "You're such a loser, Parker."

"Wha– no, it's eighty-two times, I'm sure –"

"Guess you should be spending more time studying then," Flash sneers and makes a show of reading the answer on the flash card. "The Gross National Income of Equatorial Guinea is eighty-three times higher of Zimbabwe, the poorest SSA country in terms of GNI per –"

"I swear if you two don't find a way to make this work I'm kicking you both off the team," MJ snaps. She's been observing them, aggressively chewing on her pencil and looking like she regrets the day she ever agreed to captaining their Decathlon team.

"Not two weeks before the state championship, you won't," Flash points out. "Not when my Dad's paying for the bus that'll take us there."

"Watch me."

Peter slips down further in his seat. That icy tone means she's dead serious. Now that he finally has the time for electives again, he doesn't want to screw that up just because Flash can't fit his vulnerable ego into the same room with him.

He'd probably be even more insufferable if Peter had a personal Instagram account rather than just managing the Hybrid Puppy's. People have been asking, but Peter's glad he remembers to post new brews or specials every few days.

Besides, Ned's apparently made it his life's purpose to supply the world with photos of Peter. It started as a joke in the wake of Peter's elbow appearing on HBO, which is why he never did anything to stop his best friend... but now he sort of regrets that.

"Who wants to see a photo of me as quiz master?" Peter wonders on their way out of the school building.

"Everyone! Shows that you're just a normal kid – your fans love that."

"I don't have fans, Ned. Can't you just, uh, I mean..."

"Chill, dude. I'm linking back to the Avengers site so it's for a good cause."

Before Peter can make up his mind whether that makes up for having Tony tease him endlessly about his brief stint of local fame, Flash's voice distracts him.

"Ey, Parker!" he calls from across the parking lot where he just unlocked his father's Audi. "Looks like you're in trouble?"

Peter checks to see what he's pointing at, sensing Ned and MJ next to him do the same. The other two relax when their eyes land on Steve leaning against his NYPD cruiser, but Peter's stomach jolts. Steve's in uniform (since he traded shifts to be free for the birthday party tomorrow) and that never bodes well...

There's a smile tugging at his lips though, so maybe it's safe to stop imagining worst case scenarios.

"Hey, Peter," Steve says. "Need a lift?"

MJ's already pulling Ned forward and throwing a pointed "Later, loser!" over her shoulder, meaning Peter has no excuse to decline the offer.

Which is how he ends up fidgeting in the shotgun seat of a NYPD car while Steve pulls into Manhattan traffic.

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