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Minghao turned around and gazed at the older male, nodding almost immediately. "I'd like that a lot" He smiled, walking out of the room with Junhui.

"I have a few friends I hang out with, by the way. Is that okay?" Junhui asked softly.

Minghao nodded a little bit and smiled faintly. " Of course that's okay! I really appreciate the offer" He assured as he followed the male down the hallway and to the cafeteria. He was kinda nervous about this since he couldn't eat human food, but he hoped that Junhui and his friends wouldn't pick up on that.

They soon reached the cafeteria and Minghao followed Junhui to the small table, taking a seat beside him.

"Hey guys! This is Minghao, he's moved over here from China" Junhui said to his friends, smiling softly. " And Minghao, this is Soonyoung, Mingyu, Chan and Joshua" He explained, pointing to everyone as he introduced them.

Minghao bowed politely, smiling shyly to the others at the table. "I-It's nice to meet you all... thank you for letting me sit with you" He said gratefully.

Soonyoung smiled and shook his head. "Don't worry about it. Any friend of Jun's is a friend of ours" He hummed

Minghao nodded a little bit and smiled faintly as he watched the four eat their lunches. He was always curious as to how human food tasted to humans. Humans in general fascinated him... Though he found it a little odd that Junhui wasn't eating either.

"Are you not gonna eat, Minghao?" Joshua asked softly, looking at the male.

Minghao smiled faintly and shook his head a little bit. "Oh, I'm not hungry, I ate before I came here" He lied, biting down on his lower lip.

Joshua nodded slowly and smiled softly. "If you're sure" He said softly.

Minghao nodded a little bit and let out a small breath of relief. He did find it a little odd that none of them asked Junhui why he wasn't eating either, but he simply shrugged it off, the thought of the other being a vampire too didn't even cross his mind.

After a long first day at college, Minghao began to head home, his hood up over his head as he walked. He was pretty happy from his first day, it did't go terribly which was relieving... And on top of that he had made a friend, Junhui, who was pretty cute. Minghao walked into his house quietly, taking his jacket and bag off before walking to the kitchen.

"I'm home!" He yelled, going into the fridge and grabbing a bottle of blood from it. He pierced the side of it with his fangs and drank it, since that was the most natural way for him to drink it. He soon finished the blood and licked his lips, throwing the rubbish in the trash as his brother, Jiahao, walked into the kitchen.

"Oh, hey" Minghao said with a small smile as he turned to face his bother. "How are you?" He asked.

Jiahao smiled softly and looked up at his brother. "I'm good" He hummed. "How was college?" He asked, tilting his head to the side.

"It was a lot different than I thought it would be, but it was really good" He said happily.

"Nobody thought the way you acted was weird or anything?" Jiahao asked concerned.

Minghao shook his head a little bit before biting down on his lower lip. "No, everything was normal. I even made friends with this really cute guy" He grinned, earning an eye roll from his brother. "Yah! You should've seen him... He's even Chinese too" He said with a soft smile.

Jiahao shook his head a little bit and crossed his arms. "No matter how damn perfect this guy seems to be, you shouldn't get close to humans, excluding me and mom of course, especially if you get romantically involved." He warned.

Minghao sighed softly and nodded a little bit. "Yeah yeah, I know... He's probably straight anyways" He said with a heavy sigh.

Jiahao patted Minghao's back lightly before leaving and going to his room. Minghao bit down on his lower lip and sighed before heading to his own room. He went and took a long shower before deciding to head to bed. His mother worked 24 hour shifts often so he didn't have to worry about her at the moment. He simply just slipped on some boxers before climbing into bed and falling asleep quickly.

Minghao woke up early the next morning with a soft groan, rolling over and burying his face in his pillow; he really wasn't a morning person. He sighed deeply and eventually got out of bed, his hair messily laying on his forehead. Since he showered last night, he didn't bother this morning and got dressed into a pastel sweater and some black jeans before sorting his hair out.

Once he was ready, he grabbed his bag and headed downstairs to the kitchen, being greeted by his brother who was eating breakfast at the table.

"Good morning" Minghao hummed as he walked to the fridge, grabbing a bottle of blood and pouring it into a flask before putting it into his bag for later on.

"Oooh, someones in a good mood considering they usually almost kill me at least three time this early in the morning. Is it because of that mystery man?" Jiahao teased, giggling softly.

Minghao rolled his eyes and shut the fridge. "If you don't shut up then I will kill you, brother or not" He grumbled, blushing faintly.

Jiahao rolled his eyes and laughed softly. "Kill me later, I have school" He smiled sarcastically and left to meet with his friends.

Blood Lust ~A JunHao/Seventeen fanfic~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant