Chapter 12

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-- Bianca --


I took a deep breath before taking a token out of my pocket and handing it to him. He read slowly the inscription.

"Rehab... Bianca..."

"Yeah. I'm not proud, believe me."

I took me gently by the shoulders. I knew that, to him, I could say anything and that he wouldn't judge. 

"Tell me, Bianca..."

"Remember Francis ? Well, when he dumped me, I didn't knew what to do. Don't worry, I didn't took drugs willingly. At first, at least... I walked for a long time in the streets, searching for a bar. I couldn't go to the one we went to party, because they used to ask for cards and stuff and I didn't had still. Still don't. I was lucky to get in yesterday. Anyway. I found myself in the same one we found Zayn. I was so broken that I wasn't giving a shit about anything. I only asked for something to drink, to get wasted and to think about nothing. But I didn't knew that the guy was putting drug in his cocktails. I came back pretty often after that and, even when I knew it, I continued. Not for a really long time. Just a few weeks, at most. After, I realized that it wasn't the life I wanted to live. So I went in rehab. The girls think I went on a family trip, so don't break the picture they have of me. They wouldn't want an ex-junkie for friend."

"You had so much on your heart, Bianca. You shouldn't have kept it for you for so long."

"I know... But I didn't knew who to talk with."

Niall held me tightly before getting up and going to see Zayn. 


-- Niall --


I was sitting at the bedside of Zayn, holding his hand.

"You shouldn't have done this, mate. You should have talked about it. If you know how much we were scared... How much I'm still scared, right now..." I told him, even if he was sleeping. 

The bell rang and I heard Bianca footsteps in the stairs while she was going to open the door.

"One last thing before everyone get in... Take care with Bianca, alright ? She didn't had it easy. Give her time and I'm pretty sure she'll come at you."

I heard them getting downstairs and the door slowly opened. The boys got in and went to sit all around the room. We didn't say a thing. We only wanted Zayn to know that we were here.


Bianca went downstairs to bring us sandwiches around mid-day. He was still sleeping. She told me that it was normal, that he would get up soon. I wanted to believe her. But, when your best friend just had been drugged without him knowing, just saying that waiting isn't what we wanted to do. We only wanted him to get up and started to scream "Vas Happenin !" with a lot of energy.


-- 2 hours later --


I was alone with Zayn again. The others, way too much demoralized by that hospital ambience, were outside. I was lost in my thoughts when my friend started to speak. 

"Niall ?"

"Zayn ? Zayn ! You're alright ? Are you hurt somewhere ? Can I help you with something ?"

"Wo ! You're going to make me crazy with your questions Nialler ! Don't worry, I'm alright, I think. Yeah, everything hurts, my head out of everything. And for the last question... I would like to talk with Bianca. Please. I'm starting to know her and I'm sure she thinks it's her fault."

"No problem mate."

I gave him a little slap on the shoulder before leaving. The blonde was sitting on the stairs, playing with her necklace. All the boys turned to see me, they kept themselves busy by playing a cards game.

"So ?" anxiously asked Liam.

"He's alright."

I went next to Bianca and held her in my arms, whispering in her ear "All because of you". I then told her that he asked to see her. She took a deep breath before entering the room.


-- Bianca --


He had been able to sit down, that was good news.

"You wanted to see me ?" I asked with an uncertain tone.

"Yeah. Sit down. Don't blame you, alright ? It wasn't your fault at all. Even, if I understood clearly, it's because of you that I'm good. Well... That's it coming."

I took his hand and jammed it tightly. Pretty tightly.

"Have some rest"

He closed his eyes again and quickly fell back asleep. I went out of the room, blowing. "Stay strong, Zayn..." Niall was walking in circles, while the others hadn't left their cards game. The girls were back home and I realized that it was kind of late. 

"I'm hungry, Bic !" Niall told me as soon as he saw me.

"Since when do you call me Bic ? And have you tried the fridge ?"

"But it's empty, your fridge ! And since now."

"Alright, I invite you for dinner. Nilli, you're coming with me to the grocery ?"

"Nilli ? Yeah, no probl !"

He wanted to find me a weird nickname, I found him one too.


-- 2 hours later --


Niall just robbed the market. We got all the bags in, making a lot of trips. While the boys were putting away all the stuff, I started to make something to eat. I threw a bunch of noddles on a pan full of boiling water before heating the sauce. Harry asked me if I needed any help and I gently declined his offer. 

"I'm used to it. I'm taking care of myself since I'm five."

"Wait but... At five, you can't use an oven !" Exclaimed Liam. "It way too dangerous !"

"Don't worry, I was using the microwave. My parents thought that at five, you know everything about life... Anyway, that's my parents."

The oven rang and I served the boys before setting us on the table. We talked, they asked me questions about Zayn, I only needed to answer "Sleep". Liam and Louis cleaned everything up while I was getting downstairs to bring Zayn his plate. 

"Dinner, Zayn."

I was half awake and I helped him to eat. I didn't know how much drug he had take, but he was totally out of here. I left him alone to get some rest. While getting out, the boys told me that they probably should be going. Because Zayn wasn't in a state to be moved, I offered them to stay the night.

"Your parents won't be worried to find you with five sleeping boys ?" Niall asked.

Thanks to Niall and his awesome remarks about my damn life.

"My parents won't be home tonight. My dad's on a business trip and my mom 'works' at the lab. Well, work's a big word. Anyway. We have the house for ourselves !"

I went with Liam and Niall to get the inflatables mattresses and we pumped them up while Louis and Harry were choosing a good movie. We all sat on the mattresses, with popcorn made by Niall in his hands. After the movie, I left them and went up to sleep in the living room.



Yeah, so this is it. What do you guys think ? 

*Have you seen the picture of my bby Niall ? Oh damn it, this story was written so long ago, this was an recent pic back then x)

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