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The days passed by much too fast, and we had unfortunately already reached the day of departure from our fairytale cabin. That reality had been sinking in all day for both of us, and the post-vacation blues was already setting in before we had even left. We had both taken turns sulking, and repeating how much we never wanted to leave this little piece of heaven we had created, here in the middle of this artic wilderness. But it had to end, we both knew that.

We were loading the last of our baggage into the trunk, when we both turned around to look at what had been our own personal paradise for the past week. With the amount of pleasure filled screams that had been produced within those four walls, I was amazed that they were still standing.

It looked perfect, and peaceful, in the backdrop of the frosty pink streaked Finnish sun set. I soaked the entire scenery in, etching it into my mind to relish our last moments here.

"I'm seriously contemplating quitting my job, and just staying here." I thought out loud. "Herding reindeer can't be that hard, can it?" I asked, looking up into Ville's eyes, which were equally as gloomy as mine. My question did, however, make the corner of his mouth turn up.

"Well don't look at me, I have no fucking clue." He tilted his head to the side, and rested it on top of mine. "But I'd like to see you try."

We shared a brief laugh before the melancholic mood creeped over us again, as we looked back over at the loaded car.

I broke the chasm of silence between us, to state the obvious. "I guess we should get going if we don't want to miss the plane?"

"Yea we should." He nodded his head. "I'm just going to make one last sweep, and then lock up." Before, he loosened his arms around me, he leaned down, and pressed his lips to mine. "Thank you kulta, for everything... this week with you has been absolutely amazing. I just wish it didn't have to end."

I cupped his rosy cheeks in my woolen mittens. "Me too, Ville."


We had both tried to lift the mood for each other the entire way home, but it was hard to do when we both clearly saw through the other's façade. I still loved him for trying.

It was late when we arrived back in Helsinki, and the weather was an accurate depiction of our joint melancholic mood. It was dark, cold and raining. In short, pretty fucking depressing.

We darted back, and forth between the cab, and the front door to Ville's tower, in a hopeless effort to avoid the rain as much as possible. It was a lost cause to begin with.

He kicked his front door shut, and we looked over each other. We were drenched from head to toe, and finally, warm, wholehearted laughs came from both of us. We looked like miserable wet dogs, and of course, that tickled our dark funny bones.

"Thank you Helsinki, for the lovely 'welcome home'!" He exclaimed in mock despair into the ceiling, holding his arms out by his sides at shoulder height.

"Quit your whining Valo." I teasingly shot back, and gave him a side glance. "Let's get into some dry clothes, before..." I cleared my throat, not really wanting to say what I was about to say. "I need to get going soon, I have work in the morning."

"How about we just get out of our clothes." He wiggled his eyebrows in a suggestive manner towards me, completely deflecting the fact that I had to leave soon. I knew he had done it on purpose to distract me, and himself, and I let him. I guess we were both equally adamant about having to part ways for the first time in over a week.

"Oh come here you loser." I chuckled, as I yanked his wet beanie down over his eyes, and pulled him to me by the collar of his coat.

"Hey!" He protested.

Love's Requiem [Ville Valo/OC]Where stories live. Discover now