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So when I was in fifth grade(it might have been summer I don't remember). I had this babysitter, he was amazing. He was fun, kind , and creative. Well anyways we started playing this game it was a really fun game. I don't remember what it is called. So anyways there were 4 boys and 1 of me on different teams. So the point of the game was for me to hid and for the boys to try and find me. With the football, so since there is only one of me they decided that I get a ten second head start. I mean I was down with that. So I got ten seconds to hid, if they found me then they started to chase me and try to tackle me. My goal during all of this was to not let them have the football. So anyways we were playing this for a while my babysitter and my two brothers then our friend came along since he was a boy( he told me that he was) he joined the boys team. So we played 2 or 3 more rounds and then something horrible happened. I was running with the ball when my brother decided to tackle me under the pine trees that were at the park. Well he seceded in doing that. But he also pulled my pants down. And everyone there saw him do it. Then two things happened number 1 I got him off my back and kicked him gently. Number 2 there was no one else there except for the 5 of us so I mean that was pretty good. It was one of the most embarrassing days of my life though. If I were to go and ask my brother then he'd say that didn't happen.

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