Come and See Me

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"Just answer your fucking phone." I hiss as the phone rings. And rings. And rings.

Dom doesn't answer. Fucking jerk.

I sigh in frustration and text him. 'Hey, babe, please call me. I miss you. You should come see me on tour. Please, Dom, I miss you a lot.' 

He doesn't answer. I throw my phone on the bed and stand. I can't mope around and miss Dom. I need a distraction.

I go to the club with the boys. I wear a tight, short black dress and my Louboutins. I drink and dance all night. I post a photo on Instagram of me flanked by Scott, Todd, Zane, and Heath on both sides of me. I caption the photo 'I pull more chicks than all of them combined' with a winking emoji.

After I upload the photo, Kian texts me. Finally. He's been ignoring me just as much as Dom has. He's just sent me a video, with the words 'Watch this ASAP'.

I sit at the bar and watch the video. It's Dom, dancing on some girl and kissing her. 

I feel sick. I tap on Heath's shoulder since he's the one closest to me. "I have to go back to the hotel," I say weakly.

"I'll take you back," Heath tells the others and he wraps his arm around me while we walk back to the hotel.

"What's wrong, baby?" Heath asks.

"Dom's cheating on me," I say. The words break my heart.

"What? I swear, I'll beat his ass for you, baby. We all will." Heath swears.

"Don't say that. I'm sure he's just drunk." I shake my head.

"So? That's not an excuse, Ally." Heath turns me towards him. "Being drunk is no excuse to cheat on your girlfriend. Especially if she's away from you."

"How could he do this?" I sob. "I thought he'd be fine. I thought he could go three months without me. Just three fucking months!"

"Baby, he's a jerk. Forget about him." Heath says as we enter the hotel.

"Heath, I love him!" I shake my head. "I'm sure it's nothing. It was probably just a dare." 

Heath shakes his head, saying nothing.

When I get back to my room and Heath is confident that I'll be okay on my own, I call Kian. This time, he answers.

"Why the fuck would you send me that?" I snap.

"You needed to know the truth." He says simply.

"How long?" I whisper.

"Since maybe two weeks ago." He replies.

"Two weeks? Dom has been cheating on me for two weeks?" I sigh. "Who is she?"

"Some Instagram model," Kian says. "I promise she's got nothing on you."

"Then why haven't you stopped him? Told him how much of a dumbass he's being? Does he realize that I know?" I ask.

"I tried to tell him. He didn't want to listen. He doesn't know that I told you." Kian sighs. "Please don't tell him I told you. I can't have any more conflicts in my friend group."

"Just know, half the vlog squad wants to beat his ass for this." I laugh. "Heath threatened to kill him."

"I have no doubt they would. Just, please, don't say anything until you get back." Kian begs.

"Fine. For your friends, I won't tell him that I know." I sigh and hang up.

How could Dom do this to me?

The next few days, Dom is silent. No messages, no phone calls, not even a Snapchat at 2 am. I try my best to keep calm, but I end up filming a rant video.

"Hey, what's up, you guys? My name is Ally Murphy if you don't know. Today, I am pissed off. I'm not going to expose people, though I should, but just know that there is no paradise for me in LA. I trusted someone deeply and they betrayed me. Their friend was the one to tell me the truth, way after the person betrayed me in the first place. I don't want to expose them, as much as I'm hurting right now. I may not even upload this. But, if they see this, I hope they know that I'm fully aware of what they did and I will not sit idly while it continues to happen." I stop filming, slowly coming to my senses. I can't post something like this.

I delete the footage and sigh. I need to talk to Dom.

I eventually get Dom on the phone. 

"Hey, babe." He says hesitantly.

"Hi, baby. I miss you a lot." I begin. I decide to play it cool. "I'll be back in LA soon. We only have a few more weeks. Halloween was lonely without you. Thanksgiving is soon, and after that, it'll only be two weeks until I'm with you again."

"I miss you more. I've spent a lot of time with Kian and Jc recently. It's been nice, but I'm ready to see you again." Dom replies.

"You could always come see me on tour." I remind him.

"Babe, I can't do that." I can feel him shaking his head. "I'll see you soon."

"In like a month Dom!" I exclaim. "Can't you just come meet me for two days?"

"Babe, seriously. It's just one more month." Dom says. 

"Fine. I'll see you in a month." I bite back harsh words. "I have to go; David is calling a meeting. I love you."

"I love you too," Dom says hurriedly.

I hang up and brush tears from my eyes. I change clothes and go to meet the others. 

"Ally, what's wrong?" Scott asks, pulling me aside when I enter the room.

"It's just Dom." I shake my head. "I don't want to talk about it."

Heath waves me over when I walk away from Scott. "Have you talked to him?"

"I just did. I asked him to come out to see me and he completely blew me off. He was like 'I've gone two months, another month won't hurt'." I laugh and roll my eyes.

Heath just shakes his head. 

The days just roll by. The hours spent on the bus seem to take up the most of our time as we make our way back west. I am so tired; I never want to go on tour ever again. I just miss my bed and my boyfriend.

Our final show is in LA. However, the boys don't let us go back to our houses. When we arrive in LA, we immediately go to the venue. No rest for the wicked. 

At the end of the show, David calls everyone on stage, including me. We all wrap our arms around each other and hug. I've never felt so safe as I do in their arms. Scotty finishes the show with his song My Life Sucks, and we all sing along. 

The final show is probably the best show we had the whole tour. I know I've enjoyed the tour, but I'm ready to go back to normal life. 

After the show, we load back into the bus and head to the vlog house.

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