0.4 Ignore Kid Idiot

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"Everyone back!" Guardian shouted at them as he sprinted towards Desmond. The mutated scientist threw him into the wall. Superboy took his turn at charging at the man. The two fought against each other as the rest stood and watched, not daring to get in the way. At some point in the fight, the roof above them was smashed to pieces and a hole to the next floor appeared, giving them an easy escape from the genomorphs.

"Well, that's one way to bust through the ceiling," Robin remarked as he shot his grappling hook up the hole. Shadow followed his lead and grabbed the arrow out of her quiver that she used as a grappling hook as well.

"You think lab coat planned this?" Kid Flash asked as he grabbed onto Robin to be lifted up.

"I doubt he is planning anything anymore," Aqualad's tone was grave as he jumped up to the next floor.

Desmond threw Superboy at the group of teenagers. Lily instinctually ducked as he came her way. Unfortunately, Aqualad was standing behind her and got hit. They both got back up and immediately started fighting. Shadow watched the column crumble as Aqualad was tossed into it and turned to Robin with a smirk.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?"

Robin smiled and pulled up a blueprint on his holographic wrist computer. "Of course. KF, get over here," The speedster ran over to the two and Robin quickly explained the plan. During their meeting Aqualad kept Desmond distracted.

"Got it?"

"Got it," Kid Flash said before running off. He sped towards Desmond and punched him in the face while grabbing something in the process.

"Got your nose," Wally said running off, holding up a piece of Desmond's mutated skin.

"Ew," Shadow gagged as she saw the flappy piece in his hand. It was disturbing how part of his face fell off so easily.

"Superboy, Aqualad," Robin called out as Kid Flash kept taunting Desmond.

"You need to destroy this one, and this one," Lily told the two older teenagers, pointing at two of the columns. According to Robin's computer, collapsing those two columns would trap Desmond. Robin pulled out a piece of chalk and drew an X on the ground.

"Seriously? You just carry a piece of chalk with you?" Shadow questioned him. He laughed in response.

"Have to be prepared for anything."

A couple of seconds passed before Robin yelled at her to move. The two barely missed the roof collapsing down. Lily ducked and waited for it to stop falling. Dust filled the air around her and she coughed as it filled her lungs.

"We... did... it," Aqualad gasped for fresh air and he struggled to speak.

"Was there... ever any doubt?" Robin said as he turned to Kid Flash to give him a high five. Both of them winced as their palms touched.

"Idiots," Lily laughed but immediately stopped when she felt the same pain filled her chest. Turns out a roof falling on you left you in pretty bad shape.

"See?" he pointed to the sky, "The moon."

"Oh, and Superman. Do we keep our promises or what?" Kid Flash's words caused Shadow to look up at the sky and realize that not only was Superman flying down towards them but so was the entire Justice League. Coming down alongside them was Green Arrow, who did not look happy.

Shadow gulped and tried to mask her fear. She did not need to be grounded for this. She had a very eventful life, and her uncle would not let her go with him on patrol.

Superboy walked up to Superman and lifted up the tattered remains of his shirt that displayed the Superman symbol. Superman's face contorted into a look of surprise but quickly fell back to a stoic one.

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