2- Its Later

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Harry's POV

Five years. A lot had changed I'm a professor now. I broke the 'curse' you could call it on the Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor job.

After I finished my eighth year Professor Mcgonagall asked me if I wanted to be a professor which I gladly accepted. Teaching is now my passion.

Hermione thought I should of tried to be an Auror, but I just couldn't leave Hogwarts behind.

I haven't heard much from Draco other then what Pansy and Hermione tell me.

He was released today and I'm supposed to go and see him along with Pansy and Hermione. I'm terrified of what he'll say to me. We've been apart for so long I just don't know what he'll do.

Over the five years I got custody of Tonk's and Lupins son, teddy. I never thought I could love someone as much as I love him. He's like a son to me now. He's five now and I'm so excited for him to meet Draco.

"Hawwy, Hawwy." Teddy called from next to me. When We're not living at Hogwarts we live at the Black family home.

I was nervous when I first started staying here because I thought that it would bring back bad memories, but it did the opposite.

"Come here little man." I pick the small boy up and sit him in my lap.

He giggled and his hair changed a light purple. He's hair and eyes can change color at will, but right now he can't fully control it. So it mainly changes according to his mood or surroundings.

"You are going to meet someone today and I want you to be on your best behavior. Alright?" Teddy nodded his head and his hair turned blonde.

I knew Hermione and Pansy would be here soon so I quickly got up and cleaned Myself and Teddy up.

"Hey hey Aunty Pansy in the House." I heard my door swing open and Pansy screaming through the house.

"Aunty Panwy." Teddy screamed back and ran in to her arms.

"Hey Little Ed it's been a while. Have you grown? Oh no soon you'll be taller then me." She laughed and tickled Teddy.

"Harry are you ready to go Hermione is outside." I nod my head and take Teddy from her.

We all travel to the Malfoy Manor and go up to the front door.

My heart beat is racing and I know that I'm going to have to face the love of my life soon.

Hermione knocks on the door and when it opens she jumps on the person at the door.

"Draco it's so good to see you." She Says.

"Hermione you're going to kill the man." Hermione released him.

"Herm, Pansy I'm so glad to see you." He pulled them both into a hug.

I cleared my throat trying to catch his attention. I didn't quite see him because of Hermione and Pansy.

The two girls move and I'm meet face to face with Draco Malfoy. He looks my grown. Messy Blonde hair and Dark grey eyes.

We were both in shock.

"Will you two just go ahead and kiss already." Pansy walks over and takes Teddy from me.

Me and Draco are still staring at each other. Neither of us move.

He slowly walks towards me and I do the same. Everything was in slow motion. He quickens his pace and pulls he towards him.

He takes no time in locking our lips. Sparks fly. I haven't felt this happy in so long. I wrap my arms around him and deepen the kiss. We break apart when we hear soft giggling from behind us.

I see Pansy trying to cover Teddy's eyes.

I simply laugh at them.

"It's been a long time Potter."

"Indeed It has Malfoy and guess what?" I pull him slightly closer to me.

"what?" He asks.

"It's later." I quickly kiss him again.

We both smile. We are both happy. And nothing will ruin this.


Btw if you read my first book you'll know why Harry says 'it's later.'

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