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Draco's POV

Ron never talked to Hermione nor Harry. I guess he didn't want to ruin their mood.

The party slowly ended and everyone congratulated the girls and wished them the best.

The clean up was fairly easy and we finished in a few hours. Harry and I said our goodbyes to Hermione, Pansy, and my mother.

Harry held my hand tightly as he held teddy in his other hand.

"Draco earlier I was trying to ask if maybe you wanted to move in with me. I mean you stay over quite a lot and it would make things easier to see each other, but it's fine if you don't want to leave your mum." He rushes his words so much I could barely understand him. I was surprised he asked that but I smiled.

"Of course I want to move in with you." He smiled widely and squeezed my hand in excitement.

My mother didn't have a problem with it as long as I came to see her. Which I would do in a heart beat.

A week has gone by since the party most things are back to normal. Well most. Harry has been stressing over going back to Hogwarts because he hasn't gotten anything he needs.

I'm sitting in the arm chair watching harry pace back and forth for about thirty minutes before I finally say something.

"Harry calm down we will go straight to Diagon alley to get everything. You're a professor you can't need that much." I look at harry who has finally stopped pacing. He acts just like a first year worrying about their supplies.

"You're right I'm sorry I'm just worried okay I'm always like this before going back to Hogwarts. It's kind of a habit." Harry looks down to his feet but I quickly wrap my arms around him.

"Look you're going to be fine. You have me and Teddy and everyone at Hogwarts here for you." I know harry is still hurting and I understand, he was put through a lot.

"Now lets go and get our supplies. I'm sure I need to pick up somethings as well." Harry smiled and went to get teddy.

We left for diagon Alley and made our way to each shop.

I made sure to pick up extra cauldrons and a few spices that I knew Hogwarts wouldn't have. Harry went off to buy the last things on his list while Teddy and I went to get the robes we had requested for.

Going in to Madame Malkin's Robe shop I was expected to see the elderly woman I grew up seeing tailor my robes but instead I saw a young boy with brown hair and dark hazel eyes.

"Good morning sir, how may I help you?" The boy for being so young held the elegance of his elders.

"Good morning to you too. My partner requested two robe sets. It's under Potter." The boy was struck with excitement for a second but quickly brushed it off.

"Of course. Professor potter is always one of the last costumers right before the school year." The walked in to the back room and came back out carrying two round containers perfectly wrapped in gray and green paper.

I almost laughed when I saw the colors guessing Harry picked those specific colors.

"Professor Potter wrote that they were to be wrapped in a certain manner. Oh wait I have one more thing." He left the containers sitting on the counter and ran back to the back room.

He came back out with a smaller black box with a blue ribbon tied around it.

"Take this and Tell Professor Potter, Levi Malkin said 'thank you' he'll understand." I nod and pay for the robes. Exciting the shop I noticed Teddy was a sleep on my shoulder. I slowly made my way to where harry and I decided to meet and waited for him to show up.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't find the right quills and then I ran in to the man and all his things went everywhere. So I had to help him." Harry looked tired and out of breath.

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