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Draco's POV

I woke up wrapped in grey sheets and two arms around my waist.

Harry's hair was every where and the messiness was no doubt hot.

I sat there staring at him for what seemed like hours.

He slowly wakes up and stares back at me.

"Morning dragon." He kisses my lips.

"Morning." I say after the kiss.

We laid there for a little longer before someone bursted through the door.

"Morning love birds. Stop shagging and get dressed the party is tomorrow and I need help to pick the perfect ring." Pansy yelled while walking in to Harry's closet.

"Pansy could you please get out while we do get dressed." I said while Harry just smirked at my embarrassment.

"Fine but I swear if I have to come in here and get you two I'm going to make sure you two won't have any tools to shag with." She screamed and walked out shutting the door behind her.

"I love her but seriously she is scary." I say with a laugh.

We got up , got dressed, and went down stairs to to see Pansy raiding Harry's cabinets.

"Finally I got so tired of waiting." She said while stuffing her face with some more biscuits. We just laughed and flooed to a wizarding ring store.

"So many choices." Pansy skimmed her fingers over the thick glass.

"Why not get this one." I pointed to a simple diamond ring.

"I know she's not one for extra stuff so why not simple." Pansy looked at the ring and smiled widely.

"It's perfect she'll love it." Pansy asked the girl behind the counter to get the ring and put it in a small velvet box.

"Thank you boys. I'm not the best at this." She thanked us and left to finish the last few things for the party.

"Do you want to go get Teddy. I'm sure Hermione is getting tired of him." Harry laughed and I nodded my head.

"Hermione you here." We walked in to Pansy's and Hermione's Apartment.

"In here." We heard a voice call out from the back room.

We walked in to see Hermione helping Teddy change clothes.

"Oh hello boys. Here to get Teddy?" She asked buttoning his little purple shirt.

"Yes and thank you again for watching him." She just smiled and handed teddy to Harry. We left shortly after and decided to just go to Harry's home.

"So Teddy what do you want to do?" Harry asked the small child.

Teddy thought for a second then spoke.

"Magic." He answered. I looked at him confused but then Harry started swirling his hand around and books flew off the shelf and spun around our heads. Teddy laughed in excitement and I just sat there in awe.

"Harry how?" I was speechless.

"I don't know I just started thinking about things and they happened. It started out small like levitation then bigger spells like light and door opening spells." Harry smiled. I was still shocked but I smiled back.

"That's amazing. You understand how powerful you are." Harry simply laughed and continued To entertain teddy. Harry never seemed to brag about himself which I found very admirable. He's powerful yet he doesn't try to be better than others.

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