September (Bench - on the green)

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Bench- on the green

I’m the oldest bench on this green and I get no respect.

I’d like to say there are worthwhile things about the job. And maybe sometimes there are. Sometimes you get a really perfect butt, however all rear ends are not created equal.

The one currently seated upon me is the kind I appreciate, it’s the kind of behind that  would invite back time and again, if I had the ability to speak. And the best part is that it seems to be attached to a person who wants nothing more than to sit. No chatting, no moving around, no graffiti or gum. I could get used to this.

“Gabe,” a voice says, sitting next to him. I’m not a big fan of this tookus. It’s ruining the quiet time I was enjoying.

“Sam,” the good butt owner says.

“Did you notice that you’re sitting like a millimeter away from bird shit?”

“Is there a reason you’re here?”

“No. Mom gave me money to buy you lunch on the first day. She was worried about you not eating enough.”

“Why would mom worry about that?”

I imagine there’s a meaningful look here and that seems like just enough to make the best butt I’ve ever known stand up and walk away.

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