October (Squirrel!)

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The best part of this time of year is all the acorns. Acorns are delicious and amazing and the best thing that anyone could ever eat. If you’re not eating acorns you are seriously missing out. I tell all my friends about the amazingness of acorns and sometimes they just stare at me like I’m crazy. But I’m only crazy for acorns.

I see a boy and a girl. The girl gave me peanuts once and she always looks at the boy a lot. He looks at her too. But they always look at each other at the wrong second. But today they look at each other at the right second and they both smile so wide it looks like they’re laughing.

I hope they’re laughing.

I hope they like acorns. Maybe I’ll throw some acorns at them. No that’s a bad idea. I don’t want to lose my acorns. I don’t want to share. Call me a bad squirrel, but I do not like to share my acorns.

Maybe that makes me a good squirrel. The consummate squirrel. The very definition of a squirrel.

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