Catching up with Bomber-Boy

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Just seeing kacchan staring at me in shock forced me to almost lose control of my bladder as I was laughing my ass off at him .

"Hehehahaha come on bomber boy stand and greet me as a brother should ya shithead ." I said not only snapping him out of his funk but also pissing him off more than he probably already was .

"FUCK YOU DEKU I'll KICK YOUR SCRAWNY ASS!!!!!!" He replied at my words just causing me to laugh harder at his words.

"Hah i'd like to see you try, anyway how're things with your mom it's been a while since i've seen either of you and i don't admit things as much as I used to but i did miss my second family even if you couldn't take me in after what happened." I said ending the joke and asking a question i've been thinking of before i even knew Bakugou would be in my class.

"Hn... you could have asked in the first place instead of being a douche ... anyway to answer your question it's been fine since everything that happened from you going missing to your ... you know ... my mother never gave up on looking for you after she heard the news that you went missing ... you know how much my mother cares about you seeing you as her second son , you know my mom did attempt to adopt you after what happened but thr orphanage refused saying she couldn't handle two kids while working a job that barely made ends meet that didn't stop her though because she took on another two jobs and after a month of it she had enough to buy a bigger place without having to pay rent ... so that was the first thing she did she bought the house and we moved there . Knowing that she could afford it to get you but when she gor there you were already gone ." He explained to me all the while i was thinking what a grade A asshole i was for thinking that they would abandon me so easily .

*SIGH*.... Goddammit how could i not have seen thqt they wouldn't do somethimg like leave me behind... "Listen Kacchan i know i can trust you with this so i'll let you in on a little secret of mine that you can't tell anyone especially not some pathetic heroes who couldn't even do a simple thing like saving my mother from that damn fire that took her life along with any possible possesion that i could have had of her ." I told him in the most serious way i could.

"A-alright Deku i promise"he said shocked at how serious i was .

"Good now listen up after waking up in the hospital my quirk activated out of anguish after i remembered thwty mom was gone and in doing so i killed a nurse absorbing her lifeforce her experience's and her knowledge i knew everything she could do and everything about her with it coming at the cost lf her life... after i escaped from the orphanage i was found by man that i now see as my elder brother/father after all he's done for me teaining me , feeding me and teaching me ... so yeah that's about it ." I told him leaving out only my mission and my new goal.

"Damn... well anyway come on Deku we've wasted enough time as it is we gotta get in class before the bell goes." He told shocked by what i revealed to him.

"Yes i do believe we should." I replied in resignation.

Hey guys i know it's been a while since i've updated but here it is my new chapter .... I won't be able to do another chapter for about a month seeing as my June exams are starting this up and coming friday ... so this is goodbye for now...

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