Through the years

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Callie's Pov

5 years later

Peyton is now 5 years old, and I'm starting to get a little concerned. She has been asking about Justin, ever since school. Just because kids at her school have dads, she wondering where her's went.

"Mommy." Peyton says coming in my room. I was in the middle of flipping through channels.

"Yes, sweetie."

"I wanna learn more about daddy."

I sigh knowing this wouldn't only be a one time thing. "Baby, haven't I told you enough." I say setting her on my lap.

"Besides that his name is Justin, and I have his nose, not really." She shrugs, batting her full, long lashes. One of her traits she gets from me. :')

"Okay, I guess I'll tell you a little more."

"Yes!" She cheers.

She grabs a peice of sketch paper off my nightstand and also grabs the pen. "Okay, go on."

I chuckle at how she's learning her words. "Well, his name is Just.."

"I already know that, tell me something I don't know."

"Well, okay Miss bossy pants." I giggle, which cause her to giggle. "Well, from what I've heard he lives in Los Angles, California. A place I've always wanted to go. Um, he's very rich and famous and obviously doesn't need us in his life."

I felt sad after seeing the look on Peyton's face. "He doesn't need us?"

Peyton's Pov

When mommmy said he doesn't need us I felt really sad.

"No, baby. What I meant was that he has everything he wants in life, why waste it on us." She says.

"How do you know for sure he doesn't need us? Have you talked to him?"

"No, but.."

"But nothing mommmy. You don't know that yet. Stoop trying to make me feel bad!" I yell getting off her lap and out of the room.

Mommy doesn't know, but I will.

I will find out if he needs me or not.

3 years later

"But mom, I don't want you to go!" Peyton cries out as she hug me.

"I'm sorry baby, but it's for the best."

My mom was making me go to this girls home for my depression. Yes, I was depressed. Every time I look at Peyton, I see Justin.

And I remember how I love him. And it's hard not having your true love in life.

So I got depressed, and I want what's best for Peyton, so I have to go. I don't want her to have a depressed mom. :'(

"So let me tell you how it goes down." I say picking her up.

Peyton's Pov

I really didn't want mommy to go, but she says its for the best. So I have to listen and trust her.

She picks me up and starts talking to me. "So, it's just a month, okay? You'll be staying in California with Nanny Michelle. She's a very good Nanny cause I remember she babysitted me when I was young."

I blocked out everything she said after California. California is where daddy lives. Los Angles I believe..

"What part of California?" I ask.

"San Diego." She says.

I frown looking down. I'll never meet my daddy. I have to try to do something to at least see his face, to see how he looks like.

"Okay, mommy I need some time to myself." I say getting down.

"Okay, just be ready in 15 minutes. Grandma's taking you to airport, while I stay and pack."

"What about me? Don't I have to pack?"

"Already did." She smiles at me.

"Thanks." I say keeping a straight face. I'm not really happy about this.


Once I get in my room I close the door and get on my computer.

I open it up and search...

Justin in Los Angles

It automatically showed a picture of a man. He wasn't looking bad. He was actually fairly handsome. He had alot of drawing arts on his arms. Mommy has one on her waist. It had my name on it in cursive. ☺

I look at his name...

Justin Bieber

It said he had lots of songs. I'm guessing he was a singer. I clicked on one that said 'Believe'.

I listened to it and it was really good. He was really good.

I stopped the track and printed his address.

I printed my birth certificate just in case, making sure Justin's name was on it

Yup! Printed in black bold.

I also printed a note just in case as well.

Dear Justin, I want you to stay with Peyton for a month, while I go to a girls home for something.Please watch over her.

Love, Callie

As it was printing, the door opened.

Granny stopped at my doorway. "Come on, we're leaving. You ready?"

I nod as a take the papers and stick it in my pocket. "Ready."


"Bye mommy. I'll miss you so so much."

"I know baby. I'll miss you too." She says hugging me tight.

I'll miss her soo sooo much. 😢

At the airport

"Okay, sweetie. Here's your passport and ticket. Your gate number is A6 okay. Be good and don't talk to strangers." Grandma says hugging me.

"I will." I nod while we pull away. She kisses my cheek and let's me go.

I need to change my flight to Los Angles, instead of San Diego. Once I get inside I go up to a front desk.

"Excuse me." I say.

She looks down at me lifting her glasses.

"Yes sweetie. How may I help you?" She asks nicely.

"I was wondering if I could change my flight destination."

She thinks about it for a second. "I'll need an adult for that."

"Oh, I don't have an adult with me." I frown.

"Well, I'm sorry, I can't do anything about it." She says going back to her computer.

"But please I really need to see my father! It's an emergency! I've never seen him before in my life, and I have to see him!" I yell, having a fake melt down.

We were getting a few stares from people, and I'm guessing the lady noticed because she said. "Alright, alright. Fine have it your way. What do you want to change it too." She says slightly rolling her eyes.

"Los Angles please." I smile nodding. It always works.


Sorry! It took soo long. I just wanted the chapter to be long. Not short. Sorry for any mistakes. 😚

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