Trouble, Trouble

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Peyton's Pov

Next Morning:

I woke up with a small yawn escaping my lips. I stretch my little arms and get out of bed.

I go up to the door and open seeing Justin coming my direction. He was fully dressed already. "Hey P, I was just about to wake you up." He says, happy. A little too happy.

I'm still sad that Justin has a girlfriend, and doesn't love my mom. But that's gonna change. I'm going to make him fall for her again. My mom? She probably still loves him. At least I assume.

"Why do you sound happy?" I ask, scratching my probably messy hair. I roll a lot in my sleep.

"Cause, we're going on a daddy-daughter date." He beams at me.

I look at him like he was crazy. "Aren't those for little kids?"

"Last time I checked, you are a little kid." He smirks.

"8 years old, big whoop." I say sarcastically rolling my eyes.

"Well, someone woke up on the wrong side of bed, you okay?"He says, giving me an apologetic face.

"I don't your pity, so don't look at me like that. And I'm only rude to people who make me sad." I say, turning around and walking back to sit on the bed.

He looked a little taken back. "Aye, don't turn your back from me, little lady." He says following me. "I made you sad?"

I nod looking down, not wanting to meet his eyes.

"What did I do to make you sad?" He says completely lost.

" let's see." I start off sarcastically. "My father told me that he doesn't love my mom anymore. Do you think I'm supposed to be happy when I hear that?"

He sighs digging his hands in his hair. "It's complicated okay? You won't know about love."

"My mom and my grandma has loved me ever since I've been born. So I do know what love is." I say honestly.

"I meant from a guy figure." He says.

"You know what? You're right. I don't know what it's liked to be loved from a guy figure, because I've never had one. I have never had a dad in my life. I had to live 8 years wondering where my dad is. All the kids at school have dads. And I'm over here where's mine." I say, the whole time looking at him, as his eyes were glued to the floor.

He looks at me. "Sorry."

"When you say sorry, you have to mean it." I spat.

"I do mean it. I really do." He says.

I scoff and look the other way.

He sighs. "Peyton. Can't you see that I'm trying here? I don't know what it's like to be a father, but I'm trying to learn and be a good one. I'm doing my part, but you aren't doing yours. Could try at least to be easy to work with. I would really appreciate it if you would. I know Callie didn't send you to be a bad daughter."

I look down feeling bad. I guess I was a little disrespectful, but that was because I had a reason to. Me knowing that my dad has a girlfriend, that's not my mom hurts me. I know, I know, when someone hurts you, do nothing, but heal them. But I can't, I just can't. It's going to be hard, but I guess I could try.

"I guess I could cut you some slack." I say, shrugging my shoulders.

He smiles really big and hugs me tight.

"Justin, cant. breath." I gasp.

He immediately lets go. "Sorry."

I giggle and nod. "It's okay."

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