Who's the mother

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Justin's Pov

"Well, she says she is. Here's the birth certificate and everything." I say giving her the paper.

She looks at it for a few brief seconds. "Well, it does say your name."

"But mom, how this go for me. My career, and stuff. I don't even have a room for her."

"Use the guest room. And as far as your career, you'll have to ask Scooter about that."

"Mom, I can't tell scooter. If I'm not happy about this, what makes your think that Scooter will be." I explain.

"You're not happy with this? A child is a blessing. Be happy you have one."

I sigh and look at Peyton, who was struggling with tying her shoes. Mom looks at her too.

"She's a really beautiful girl, so you better consider yourself lucky." She says looking at me now.

I nod looking down.

"And one more thing before you call Scooter."

I look at her, wanting her to continue.

"Who's the mother?"

I sigh and pass her the birth certificate.

Her eyes scan the sheet of paper looking for the moms name. I don't know how she's going to react when she sees it's Callie.

"Callie Jacobs?!" She yells loud and clear making Peyton, Karma, and me looking at her like we just saw a ghost.

"Sorry, Peyton sweetie. Continue on." She says nicely.

Peyton nods and continues to struggle with her shoes.

"Callie Jacobs? As in your ex-girlfriend, Callie Jacobs?"

"Well, theoretically we're still dating, because we didn't call it a quits." I mumble.

"You guys had sex?" She whisper yelled, enough for Peyton not to hear.

"No, I mean yes. I mean sorta." I say not wanting to get in trouble.

"You guys were only 16, how could you let this happen Justin?"

"It don't know, it sorta just happened."

She sighs and sits up straight. "Explain."



"What? No. I'm not going to explain my sex life." I argue.

"Justin Drew, do not argue with me. You tell me what happened right now." She says sternly.

When she says Justin Drew, you know she's not playing. I sigh and begin to explain it to her.

"Well, we came home for school one day. And well we hung out like a normal teenage couple would do. And then you called me to say that Scooter was coming that following week. And then I told Callie and then we said our 'I miss you's.' and 'I love you's.' , and she kissed me and I took it to far. I guess I was just so sad that I was leaving and I just needed her memories, I guess." I say, in confusion on the last sentence.

"So you decided to keep her memories by sex?"

"Mom, I was young. I was just experimenting." I smirk.

"Justin, I am not playing with you, so you can stop smirking." She says slapping my leg, causing to flinch and stop smirking.

"Just call scooter and figure this whole thing out." She says standing up. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go teach an 8 year old how to tie her shoes." And with that said she walks over to Peyton.

I guess I have to deal with scooter now. 😒


It's short, I know. But I promise the next chapter will be a long chapter. And I didn't proof read this so, sorry if their any mistakes.

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