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one final journey

THOR STEPPED FOWARD, SPINNING IN THE AIR TO TAKE OUT A HERD OF ENEMIES. Amber ran forwards as well, slashing down her foes with a sword she plucked from Hela herself.

As the two fought side by side, she glanced over at Thor. "We must be such a power couple, get it?"

Thor couldn't help but smile, lifting his foot to kick away a man, making a chain reaction and taking down more in the process. When an enemy managed to knock the weapon from her hand, she glare at him, grabbing his arm and hurling him down the Bridge.

Amber beamed at her given strength and silently thanked Thor's father in the process.

An official battle broke out upon the Bridge, with Valkyrie on the other side in new armour; Loki by the ships bridge with Korg and Miek; and Hulk in the water battling Fenris.

When Thor and Amber managed to meet with Loki, Amber's hair was greatly disheveled. She huffed, placing her hands on her hips. "Aw, man! You know what would be awesome? A kick-ass playlist!"

Thor glanced at Amber, panting along with Loki and Amber. "I really don't believe thinking about music is wise right now." he glanced at Loki. "You're late."

Loki huffed, trying to catch his breath. "You're missing an eye."

Amber's head snapped in Thor's direction, remembering she didn't get a good look at it. "Oh god!"

She stepped forward, staring into the red socket of his skull. "This looks like―"

Amber was cut off by Loki gently pulling Amber from Thor. "We can do this later!"

Valkyrie rushed by, looking at Thor. "This isn't over."

The four make their way towards Asgard, stopping to peer at their home. Across the Bridge, they all notice a figure of black; Hela.

They all continued to pant, out of breath, when Thor looked at his small team. "I think we should disband the Revengers."

Amber physically slouched. "Aw, no. It was the closest I was to becoming a mock-Avenger!"

Loki shook his head, standing beside Amber as well. "Hit her with a lightning blast."

Thor frowned. "I just hit her with the biggest lightning blast in the history of lightning. It did nothing!"

"We need to hold her off until everyone's on board." Valkyrie commented

"It won't end here." Thor said, staring at his sister as Hela sauntered towards them. "The longer Hela's on Asgard, the more powerful she grows. She'll hunt us down. We need to stop her here and now."

Valkyrie glanced at Amber. "Can't you do it?"

Amber blinked, staring back. "Me?! Why me!"

"Cause you're also a goddess of death!" Valkyrie called back. Amber hesitantly nodded. "I mean, I-I can try."

"What our first move?" Valkyrie asked, ready to take orders from whoever.

Loki deadpanned at Thor. "I'm not doing Get Help."

Amber chortled. Thor stepped forward, looking between his sister and the people rushing to get on board of the ship behind them. "Asgard's not a place. It's the people." he turned and pointed his sword at Loki. "Loki, it was never about stopping Ragnarök. It was about causing Ragnarök! Surtur's crown, the vault! It's the only way."

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