"If I Didn't Have You"

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If I Didn't Have You
Thompson Square

Ali Darkstar x Axel Salvatore

Ali's POV.

Sometimes it feels like, I'm gonna break

Ali sighed as she rested her hand on the window pane. Wairing for her best friend and room mate, watching the rain fall down. She began thinking about her best freind Axel. They had been best friends since they were in diapers. But she wanted more. I know the typical girl with a male best friend story. But she loved him...

Sometimes this world, gives more than I can take
Sometimes, sunshine gets lost in the rain
And it keeps pouring down
It just keeps coming down.

He was always there for her. She could count on him. Everytime she had her heart broken, he was there. She needed advice? Go see Axel. She needed a shoulder to cry on? Axel was the go to...

This life would kill me If I didn't have you
I couldn't live without you baby
I wouldn't want to
If you didn't love me so much
I'd never make it through
'Cause this life would kill me
This life would kill me if I didn't have you.

Axel's POV.

Axel was rushing home in the rain. He was caught in a downpour. He had opted to do the grocery shopping and now was driving almost at a snail's pace. He had to... It was the only safe way. He groaned and let his head thump against the steering wheel, making the horn let out a long *BBEEEEEPP* he pulled his head back as the traffic finally moved. As he did he never see the truck coming, but he did feel as it hit his black Porsche.

You are my heart, every breath I breathel
I'm safe in your arms, you rescue me.
When I'm weak, you're strong
If you were gone I don't know where I'd be
You were made for me
(You were made for me)

No One's POV.

Ali suddenly got a phone call.
"Miss Darkstar?" a cool female voice said. "Yes this is her... Who is this? " who was this? "I regretfully have to inform you that Mr. Salvatore was in a terrible wreck and he is in the hospital. He's in a coma" the phone fell from Ali's hands and got the floor as tears began to pour from her hot pink eyes. She scrambles for the phkne, barely able to see through her tears. "C-Can I come see him? How did you get this number...?" Ali asked shakily. The cool woman's voice replied "t
You were his first ICE. In Case of Emergency. Yes that should be all right." right after she hung up she grabbed her keys and shoved her feet into her converses, not even bothering to tie them as she ran out the door and jumped in her car. Driving to the hospital.

This life would kill me If I didn't have you
I couldn't live without you baby
I wouldn't want to
If you didn't love me so much
I'd never make it through
'Cause this life would kill me
This life would kill me if I didn't have you

The whole way there she was singing her favorite one of Axel's songs. And the lyrics were true. Her life would kill her if she didn't have him. " goddammit!!! Don't you die on me... I need you!" she screamed at the steering wheel as she drove and finally got there. She slammed her car door open and threw it shut after her as she ran in and went to the lady in reception. "I'm here to see Axel Salvatore " she panted at the receptionist. "Sign here and I'll tell you his room number" it was the Damn cool voice woman! She quickly scribbled her name and the date and gave the form back. "Room 238." she ran to his room, taking the stairs two at a time. She ran into the room to see her best friend in the world covered in bandages, gauze, tape, and tubes. She ran to his side. " A-Axel... Wake up... Please..." she sobbed and grabbed his hand.

If you didn't love me so much
(If you didn't love me so much)

This Life would kill me If I didn't have you
(This life would kill me)

No One's POV.

Ali didn't leave Axel's side for nothing. If and WHEN he woke up, she wanted to be there for him. She slept in that uncomfortable hospital chair until they brought her a cot and some pillows and blankets. And then she put it right next to his bed. No matter what she was holding his hand. When she slept she cuddled his leather jacket he always wore. He had left it at home the day of the accident. A friend of theirs had brought it to her.

Couldn't live without you baby
I wouldn't want to
If you didn't love me so much
I'd never make it through
'Cause This life would kill me
This Life would kill me if I didn't have you

Ali sighed as a month had passed and he had shown no signs of waking. She sobbed into his blankets and she missed him slowly open his eyes finally. And thinking he was still in his coma she whispered the words she had locked in her heart for soo long. "Axel... I-i love you..."

Sorry for the cliffhanger guys. If you want a part two then let me know in the requests. Love ya... And I'll see you all in the next chapter. *flips a page and smiles*

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