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Chase Holfelder

Darkiplier x Luna x Antisepticeye.
Youtuber egos x Demon OC.

Luna looked around the empty basement. She had been in bed and almost asleep when the house phone rang. She got up and went to the TV stand and picked the phone up off its base, hitting talk and then cradling it in the crook of her neck as she gave a sleepy...


But all that she got in reply was a few chuckles... Two voices, one of them deep and charming. The other slightly higher and glitching, a bit like a bad TV signal. She had looked at the phone as she hung up. As she was heading back to bed, she heard a faint noise on the basement. She grabbed her flashlight just in case, since the basement lights didn't always work. It was a good thing she grabbed it because the lights wouldn't turn on. As she stepped down the first step in the basement She heard faint singing...

Here we go again
I kinda wanna be more than friends
so take it easy on me
I'm afraid you're never satisfied

Luna looked around her basement suspiciously. She knew that song, song it was one of her favorites, if not her favorite. She suddenly felt like she was being watched. She looked around again and sighed.

"I must be being paranoid. I'm going back to bed... I'm half asleep."

She turned to leave and heard the deep voice chuckle again... Luna swallowed and turned back to face the basement as she gave a loud gasp and her hand flew to her mouth. In the darkness she saw two pairs of eyes glowing. A pair of silver eyes with the iris outlined in blood red and the whites were a pale red, and a mismatched pair... A acid green eye with a blue iris, and a dark blue eye with the white a light green.

Here we go again
We are sick like animals, we play pretend
you're just a cannibal and I'm afraid I won't get out alive
No I won't sleep tonight...

Lyn gasped again. She took a step back as she knew those eyes, they haunted her nightmares. You see... She loved watching YouTube when she needed inspiration or comfort. She had reached out and contacted the ones whom has helped her the most, be it Markiplier and Jacksepticeye with thier Charity love streams, or be it MatPat and the Game Theory channels with the theories that they have...some that feel so accurate you believe them will all you have and some that are so ridiculous you can't help but laugh no matter how sad you are...and that's just to name a few... Anyways she reached out to some of them to thank them for helping her so much, and some of the YouTubers she contacted have her their numbers and they Skype and hang out all the time.

"W-why are you two here...?"

One day her and Jack were supposed to go and hang out with Mark, but when they got there they found a scene like none that they had expected... A few of Mark's Egos were there. Mark was running around trying to get The fight in his living room to stop, Jack ran in to help leaving Luna frozen on The spot watching as The Host was narrating the fights- Google vs. Bing. Wilford vs. Dark... Wait... That one was a three person fight and the third didn't quite belong... Wilford vs. Dark...vs. ...Antisepticeye. The two men were having no luck so Luna had given a high pitched whistle. Everyone in the room stopped silent and looked at her except The Host who was still narrating, just softly now. She felt a creaking sensation as she looked up and saw Dark and Anti both had their eyes locked on her in a hungry and sexual way. Since that day their eyes had haunted her.

Oh Oh, I want some more
Oh Oh, what are you waiting for?
take a bite of my heart tonight
Oh Oh, I want some more
Oh Oh, what are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?
Say goodbye to my heart tonight

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