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I know you're here,

I feel you close

Reaching for it is the hardest thing I've ever had to do

My hands have bloodied

My knuckles bruised

From trying to claw my way to you

I regret so much

Living in fear

When I truly know

I've found happiness here

In this place

In this light

Your eyes, they catch it just right

They lead me to my Haven

Like a constellation

Mapping out my world of stars

I catch my breath

To steal your heart

The center of my universe

Revolving around you

My Haven is not merely a place

Whereas, it lies in you.

I know you read my words, so bleak

Distain, sorrow, push you to your peak

How could I make this up to you?

I can't?

That, is so far from true

I can make your troubles dance away,

And if you need me, I'm here to stay

If you want me, I'm here to stay

If you love me, I'm here to stay

It has been so long since I last fell sick, with this manifestation

But I know it's real, how?


Are the one thing, I may call


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