Brass Tacks,

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When will we learn we all live in a rut

Laughing and weeping, and giving out trust

Stretching our arms for something so meaningless

But important things, to trifles, I've found no difference

The air that we breathe, is the epitome

Of things subject to Polygamy

Between, bliss, survival, and moral

And there is no real balance for such things so foul

My unequivocal love lies in things I can hardly trust to exist

And I struggle to find where you fit



Or bliss?

Reality can be what we want it to be

Or not, that is the question

What is representation of existence,

No holds bounds, but we live no recollection

Of the truth

Of the trade

Of the answer to the equation

Of the time of day

It's meaningless, it's nothing

It's a thought pushed so far down in order to prevent us from driving ourselves mad

That in the future we've created we've made our own personal hell of ironclad

Welcome to the world, we call to our new borns

Don't worry, one day we'll all be less forlorn

But when does it start, and when does it end?

When does humanity stop screaming out about how we must be condemned

We're dead, they cried

And yet we're still very much alive

Due to never ending anguish of keeping awake

Oh how much longer must we wait?

Oh how much more can they take?

And thus ends this incident, strong in its might

So thank you to all, and to all a good morning, day, or night!

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