I'M OVER YOU, NO WAY! (Part 2)

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Months past, it really felt so sickenin'
Said won't stop chasing til I give in
What you wanna see me hurt again?
Well I tell you, won't allow that to happen.

Flowers, chocolates, cards, you sent those
If it's medicine I'm so getting over dose
This leads me off track, I'm confused
Why do all these, are you even serious?

To my surprise, you act as if you care
Done this, done that, you simply took over
Said you want us already to be together
And that you cannot wait any longer.

No way! This is not really happenning
It's not possible, you've got to be kidding
You're saying something, voice cracking
This can't be, why would you be crying?

Flustered, I was like 'what shoul I be doing?'
Too late, I realized my tears are now falling
You do cry, the sight is very heart breaking
Can't help it; not aware, I too am crying.

Held me too close to your chest that moment
Felt soft kisses on my head, my heart melt
You just kept apologizing for this and that
All I did was shut my eyes and hug back.

Then I realized I'm over you, no way
What I feel now isn't good, it can't be
But what on earth is happening to me?
Your 'I LOVE YOUs' are taking me away.

I'm pulling off, you would never let me
Said you won't allow me running away
The first time I did made you hell, you say
Wait, what?! Didn't my ears just trick me?

My heart had betrayed me later that day
I smiled as you look at me so lovingly
Then I felt those lips of you we're on me
No regrets, I accept it wholeheartedly.

Again, I'm all in to you as much you are to me
Can't get enough, I'm so feeling like ecstasy
You love me more than I do, you say
You're all mine, I'm all yours; it's heavenly.

Too much, you're giving me all of the sweetness
Too fast, you're having me get really speechless
Said can't lose me, you're down on your knees
A ring on your hand, begging me to say yes.

Shaking my head, my hands on my face
I am thinking I'll no longer be a miss
Fear in your eyes, repeatedly saying please
Oh, no, you're getting the wrong message

Your head down, shoulders are shaking
Right then I know you're obviously crying
Even heard quiet sobs and some sniffing
That, coz you're assuming the wrong thing

My heart clinched hearing your voice so low
Asking me to stay and to never leave you
I sighed at that, resting my forehead on you
Confusion in your eyes when I said 'I love to'

You really are quite an idiot to not get it
I wore the ring you offer; it perfectly fit
A peck on the lips and few soft kisses
Shock on your eyes as I mouthed yes

Through sobs, you say something in my ear
Sorry, what's that again? I couldn't hear
You say it clearly through running tears
That we'd stay in love through grey hairs

LOVE POEMS (TagLish)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon