AGATEOPHOBIA>> Fear of insanity
————————————————-3rd Person POV:
Seungmins stomach rumbled like a raging storm, he hadn't eaten in two days and he was surprised by the fact that he didn't mind. Hyunjin would be back soon and he would probably make him eat, Seungmin considered lying maybe by saying that he had eaten and that he was full but knowing Hyunjin he most likely would've counted every single piece of food in the house to make sure he had.
Seungmin contemplated getting up and leaving, but the idea seemed terribly rude especially without thanking Hyunjin for taking care of him, before leaving.
It was later on now, around 2:36 pm and Seungmin knew that the older boy would be home fairly soon considering that school finished at 3:00 pm. He showered earlier and threw on a pair of shorts and hyunjins hoodie again before going downstairs towards the library.
The door was painted royal blue with a golden plaque that had 'Library' engraved in Black italic letters. The door handle was circular and white, the edges rimmed with golden flower designs that circled the handle. He turned the handle until he heard a clicking doing before lightly pushing the door to reveal polished oak wood floors and huge cabinets all filled to the brim with books.
A resting areas was placed in the middle of the library surrounded by book cases, a long sky blue sofa with teal square pillows was placed in front of a small white coffee table that was decorated with a vase of magenta, indigo and yellow flowers that was placed on top of a stack of magazines, a Small flatscreen TV was placed behind the coffee table on a wide box that seemed to be full to the top with CDs and movies. A tall standing warm light stood on the right side of the sofa while a red mini-fridge pact with water, Capri-suns and juice on the left side.
Seungmin stood in awe at the sight in front of him, He knew Hyunjin was rich you called tell that just by looking at him, but he never thought that he would have his own personal library that was most likely bigger than his house. He walked towards the first book case pulling out a book called
'The splendour falls' a book about a girl who had lost everything before moving to live with her grandmother and is torn between two boys, one good, one bad.Seungmin sighed, he wished that like the girl he'd have two handsome men desperately in love with him, but he didn't like the idea of choosing. He just liked the idea of being loved. He took the book from the shelf before walking over and plonking his pitiful self down onto the sofa. He switched on the light next to him squinting at the sudden flush of warm lights as he reached over and picked a Capri-sun from the fridge.
The book was a fictional one that had real life issues in as well as fantasy, towards the end ghosts and witches are introduced adding to the death of her father. Seungmin smiled at the way the author described the father, loving and kind. He didn't have a father like that. The girl copes with his death by dancing, like how Seungmin copes with his mothers except he doesn't sleep, he blames himself to much to sleep.
He never expected himself to grow so addicted to the book, but then again he thought the same every time he picked up one, he loved the idea of being able to live through someone else's eyes, he loved the idea of seeing the world how other people saw it.
There was only one visible window in the library which was a small circular one that was placed up high and part of it was hidden by the book cases but even with the small piece of window Seungmin could tell it was late, the sun had already gone down leaving the stream of stars glowing brightly in the mid evening sky, they were barely visible against the greyish blue background that swirled and changed colours to deeper shades of blues before turning a deep and menacing black as time went on.

RandomPHILOPHOBIA {fear of falling in love} #KpopRainbowAwards2018 2nd place 💖 Completed: July 2018 A Stray Kids Hyunjin+Seungmin fanfic 💕