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ARACHNOPHOBIA>> fear of spiders.

Minseon's POV:

I sunk down into the cold water feeling my feet touch the floor, the pool was rather deep but I happened to be tall enough to stand. Although the water went up as high as my shoulders, it still felt like I was being weighed down.

''Seungmin, are you coming in?'' I ask watching him apply sun lotion on his arms as he sat on the sun bed not to far away from the edge of the pool.

''I don't think I want to, I'll just dip my feet in.'' He squinted his eyes as he looked at me struggling to see straight from the suns brightness.

''Why not?'' I ask pouting, he couldn't leave me to be in the pool by myself could he? I mean, Jisung and Minho where in the pool aswell but they were in their own world and I wasn't sure that I wanted to get involved with that.

''The pools cold'' he answered, that was a really lame excuse.

''At least come up with a better excuse.'' I laughed as I swam to the edge of the pool, leaning on the sides as I looked up at him.

''Errr.....'' he thought as he sat down at the edge of the pool, dangling his feet into the cold water.

I rested my arms on his legs to keep myself up.

''It's my time of month.'' He chuckled lowly, I smiled at his silliness, what goes through this boys mind?

''But you're a boy.'' I replied poking his cheeks. He let out a small gasp as he placed a hand over his heart. He's also very dramatic.

''Did you just ASsUmE my GeNDeR!?'' He spat as he flicked my forehead making me wince. He unfortunately has a hard flick to.

'' I mean....'' I moved backwards my hands gripping his ankles tugging on them.

''How rude hyung.'' He glared as he held onto the edge of the pool and wiggled his legs trying to stop me from pulling him into the water.

''I'm sorry seungminnie, but if you get into the pool I'll treat you to ice cream.'' I tempted, tugging on his ankles again.

''Hmm'' he thought for a while eyes darting around at the other holiday people. ''How about...'' he started looking at me once again. I raised my eyebrows telling him to carry on. ''You just buy me ice cream because I'm your favourite dongsaeng.'' He suggested smiling brightly.

''Who said you were my favourite dongsaeng?'' I implied watching as his sunny smile turned into a pout.
''I promise I'll get you ice cream if you get in.'' I assured.

''Okay fineeee.'' He dragged on the sentence as he stuck out his pinky, ''pinky promise.'' I wrapped my pinky around his.

''Pinky promise.'' I agreed, he seemed to like pinky promises to.

''Good.'' He smiled again as I let go of his ankles, watching him plop into the pool shivering from how cold it was. ''Oh my goodness it's freezing cold, I hate you so much why did you make me do this.'' He whined, kicking his legs ferociously under the water trying to get warm.

''Aww.... but ice cream is colder.'' I said wrapping my arms around his cold body. ''It doesn't stay cold for long I promise you'll get use to it.''

''You promise a lot of things.'' He muttered holding onto my shoulders

''Yeah and have I ever lied?'' He shook his head 'no', ''see'' I agreed.

''Hey has anyone seen my swimming shorts?'' Hyunjin asked walking out from the hotel, he was inside having a shower. I wished he had taken longer.

Seungmin moved back from me as he swam back to the edge of the pool holding on.

''no, have you checked your suitcase?'' Jisung said finally out of his and Minho's own world.

''Yes obviously.'' Hyunjin said eyes wide as he stared at him as if he was an idiot.

''Well check again.'' Minho said as he came up from under the water, lifting his goggles, we laughed at the imprints left on his face.

Hyunjin rolled his eyes.

''I've checked three times and even looked in the wardrobe.''

''Maybe you left them back in Seoul.'' I butted in, watching as Seungmin got out of the pool, wrapping a towel around himself.

Hyunjin looked at me as if he wondered why I was currently existing before his confused expression turned into a small smile, that was the fakest smile I've seen all day. ''Yeah maybe.''

''I've got spare if you want to borrow them.'' Seungmin kindly stated as he slipped on his flip flops.

''Oh, yeah thanks.'' Hyunjin said smiling brightly, that was a genuine smile. Why does he only give them to Seungmin?

''Come with me, they're in my room.'' Seungmin said picking up the keys from his bag as he signalled for Hyunjin to follow him.

''I can get them for him if you want to stay down here.'' I was hoping Seungmin would agree but I knew he wouldn't.

''It's fine, I want to get my book out anyway.'' He reassured as they walked towards the glass doors.

I sighed, I trusted Seungmin. But I didn't trust Seungmin around Hyunjin.

I knew Seungmin still liked Hyunjin, and I don't blame him. I just wanted to change his mind. I deserve him more than Hyunjin. Way more.

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