Dan and Phil Imagines

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Author's Note:
Okay so I'm not a very good writer but I'm going to work on it throughout these imagines. So here's the first one.

The Flight
You've been dating Phil now for two years. You've even moved in with him and Dan. The whole phandom knows of you. But you've always stayed home whenever they had events or conventions to go to.

It's spring and it's time for Dan and Phil to go to Playlist Live. Phil insist you go with him.

You're scared of what his fans will say of you once they see you in person.
'What if they think I'm too ugly for him? Or what if they hate my style of clothes?'

You care very much about what his fans will say because you used to be one, a fan. And now you're life dream has come true and you intend to keep phil forever.

"They'll be nice. I promise." Says Phil.

"Well what if they hate the way I laugh or the way I stand?" You say. "Phil I used to be them and every girl you or Dan talked to we would judge from head to toe"

"Well I love ever single thing about you so I don't care what they say. Please come! I want to enjoy Florida with my beautiful girlfriend." Phil replies

"Erm.. Umm.. Okay I'll go. But I need to do a lot of shopping first."

He smiles and kisses you softly on your lips. His kisses take you to the clouds.

You then leave to go shopping.


[you're on the airplane now]

"Phil I'm still really scared"

Phil holds your arm tighter "I'll always be right here"

You smile. He's so sweet.

You're getting tired and decide to sleep.
You move in closer to Phil.

He puts his arm around you.

You lay your head oh his chest.

He hold you tighter.

You wrap your arms around his waist.

'This is perfect' you think and then fall asleep.


[you're at the playlist hotel now]

"Oh my god phil that girl is staring at you like a hungry lion"

"Hey, relax y/n, you'll be okay."

You take deep breaths and go to the hotel room.

You spend the whole first day of playlist here.

The next day is the stage performance.
You decide to sneak out and sit in the audience hoping no one will notice you.

As you at down you can't help but notice these two girls who've been eyeing you since you got in line.

'Oh no, they know who I am. And they hate me. Why else would they be staring.. Oh crap I should leave' you think

You start to get up

"Hey wait y/n!" The girls yell and go after you.

'Shit. Shit. Shit'

"We just want to say hi. We promise!"

You stop and decide to talk to them.

"He- hey" you say.

"Arnt you y/n?"

"y- yeah"

"Oh emm geee!" They squeal!

You're so confused

"We used to follow you're phan account!" Says one girl

" Until you deleted it!" Says the other. "It was perf and oh my god you're so lucky to be with him"

"Yeah I am" you smile.

"You're so much prettier in person"

"Thanks" you blush "wait so the phandom doesn't hate me?"

"What the fuck? Why would we hate you! Everyone loves you especially since you were a phan yourself" says the first girl.

"Oh... Um well the show is about to start we should go back.

You go back and enjoy the show. But you can't help feeling relieved they don't have you.


[back at the hotel with Phil]

"Hey great show" you say to him

"Thanks babe, you know you could've watched it from backstage?.."

"Yeah but I wanted to be with my people again and I also found out something"

"Oh no, was my fly down again?!?"

"Haha no... These two girls came up to me and told me they adore me. Me phil. They also assured me the phandom doesn't hate me."

"Wow that's great! See I told you."

"Yeah you did, I'm sorry for not listening"

"No worries, it's okay now that you know!" He smiles at you "hey I'm not even sleepy yet how about a nice cuddle and a movie?"

"Sounds great." You smile and get into bed with him.

Never in your phan days would you have imagined this. You've always been a phan shipper. And now it's like a dream come true. You love Phil so much and he loves you. You two are inseparable.

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