The Breakup

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Authors Note:

This part is going to contain PJ from KickThePJ.

And to get something clear, I don't hate him, I love all of the fantastic foursome. Enjoy xx


Was the question you asked yourself over and over.

You and PJ had been dating for a year. He even talked about getting an apartment together in London.

What happened?

He broke up with you.

Well yeah, but why?

You tried calling him, but he wouldn't answer.

You left him so many messages.

You still loved him.

You cried yourself to sleep every night.

You hadn't taken a shower in weeks.

And your apartment was a mess.

You were a mess... Up until Phil showed up.


"Whoever it is go away!" You yelled.

"It's me, Phil. Please answer."

"I'm too heartbroken to get up."

He knew where you hid the emergency key and he let himself in.

"Oh my god it looks like tornado just hit here, and you look like a raccoon that just got run over."

"Nice to see you too Phil."


"No it's okay... It's true."

"How long has it been since you showered?"

You just shrug your shoulders.

Wow this music is depressing.

It was Remembering Sunday by All Time Low.

"Great, it fits my mood."

"Look y/n, you don't have to be like this. I mean you can't let him keep controlling you like this."

"I still love him Phil."

He sighs

"What if I told you he missed you too..?"


"Why would you say that."

"He's been posting pictures with this girl named Sarah."

"He's a dick."

"I guess.

"It's not fair, a girl so beautiful and smart like you being destroyed by an asshole like him. You deserve the best of everything."

"That's what I had"

Then you just lost it and start bawling.

Phil comes to your side and hold you in his arms. You burry your head in his chest.

He's such an amazing friend. You look and probably smell like shit but he's still holding you.

He has always been with you every time you and PJ got in a fight. He always knew how you felt and how to cheer you up. He knows you better then you know yourself.



"Thank you."

He looks at you for a moment then gets up and goes to your iPod. I think I should chose a song.

He plugs in his phone and plays Heartbreak Girl by 5sos.

Oh. My. God.


"Just listen"

But you've heard the song millions of times. He was probably thinking of what to say when it was over.

He slightly looks at you at the part "he treats you so bad and I'm so good to you it's not fair..."

You start to cry.

How could you be so blind. Phil has always been there. He's never failed you or broken your heart.

He's answered all your phone calls even the ones at 3am and he's always known what to say.

In that moment you realize you love him. And more then a friend this time.

The song's over and he just sighs and says "so now you know... And don't worry I don't expect anything back I just thought id let you know... I love you more then anything in this world and I would never break your heart or let anyone else break it... I actually got into a fist fight the other night with PJ"


"I was at the pub and he was with some girl, probably that girl Sarah, and I went up to him and he said he had broken up with you. I went off on him and we started to fight. He was pretty beaten up. I love you, y/n, and I would never let anybody or anything hurt you."


"It's true and I think I should go."

"No! Wait."

You walk towards him. Your so close to him that your afraid if you breath he might fall over.

You whisper in his ear "...I. Love. You. Too."

You then start kissing him. It starts out slowly then it gets more passionate. You probably would've had sex right there if you hadn't remembered you smell and look like crap!

"It's fine" Phil says as he grabs your arm and pulls you closer.

"How about this: let me shower and get all pretty then I'll let you take me anywhere you want! It can even be hotel if you want" you wink and Phil nods.

You're so lucky so have fallen for your best friend. The person who accepts you at your worst. The person who laughs at your stupid jokes. The person who knows you better then you know yourself.

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