Flying obama llamas

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Obama-senpai and u are still making out. He is the hottest thing on this planet.... oh boi. You pull away, wanting to ask him for something more spicy,,, but when you open your mouth, nothing comes out. "(Y/n)Kun? What's the matter, my love??" You blush at his worry, but you can see his crippling depression when you pulled away. "Obama, I, um, erm, how do I put this,.." Obama-kun, looks at you, awaiting what you are going to say. "I-I..." you finally say it loud and proud. "OBAMI, I WANT YOUR HUGE SALAMI. I CRAVE ITS THICCNESS." Obama chuckles happily at what you said. "Oh yes... I'm so happy to hear you say that my dear! I knew you wanted it." Obama pulls you in a tight embrace, but proceeds to say "You can get my thicc SALAMI once we drive trump out of the White House. We need to fill the White House with...." Obama claps his hands, squats, and then screams "Obama llamas! Come to your father!" You see at least 1000 huge llamas galloping towards you and obama. They look like normal llamas, but they can fly... wait a minute. They're all llamas with obamas face! HELL YES!!!! This is the best day ever. Obama says to the lead llama, whomst name is barack o'llama, "come here!" Barack o'llama makes a excitable "rEEEEEEEE" noise and runs to obama. Obama gets onto the tall llama and holds out his hand to you. "Cmon beautiful... hop on this barack o'llama." You take obama's hand and get on the llama. "Obama llama army, to the White House!" The llamas all say in harmony "rEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" and the lead LLAMA you and obama are on flys. They other llamas fly behind. You knew it was a long ways to the White House. Obama is on the front part of the llama, and you are right behind him. You put your arms around him and lay your head on his shoulder. You feel his warmth.

This is home.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2019 ⏰

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