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Not many know about this but, as a half human half serpent, and the only one, I have a special power. I have the power of the wind or in other words air. My parents have never seen nor heard of it and because "reputation is everything" they don't think anyone should know, so I've been told to keep it a secret. Another secret I have is that I'm bi. Most people wouldn't think that I am because I'm the most popular girl in town and because of my attitude, but news flash I am! I only act that way because of the same reason no one knows about my powers, and I think that anyone should be able to love who ever they want. Anyways that's my secret and it's a relief to finally tell someone, thanks for listening.


I'm the only mermaid! Well that's known of at least. It's so awesome anyone I meet they all get so excited over my tail, but I love the attention! Some people think that's it's so hard getting around, but what they don't know is that I have a special power! I can control water! Which means if I wanted to I could make water float around me and just move that! Buuuut my nerdy brother says that if we use them that'll just put us into alot of trouble and he does make a point so I'll do what he says this time. Well tha.......oh wait I forgot to tell you, even though I went through a boy phase, I'm actually pan! I hope since we're now best friends you'll approve of my choice. Now that's it, hope you eat aloooooot of sprinkles like I am tonight! Welp bye I'm off to get sick off of sprinkles!


Hi so you've already met my sister Mabel, who's really perky. Well I don't know if she told you this but I'm a deeratare, which means I'm half man half deer. Also not many know this but I'm gay like my sister. I don't know if it's because a deer is most like a girl or what but I am. Also because I'm so close to earth or that's my theory, I can control the earth like plants and things like that. Well if that's all you would like to know I'll just be on my way.


Hi names Bill Cipher, I'm a hunter here in the small town of Monster Falls. This place is a jackpot since its full of weird creatures like vampires or werewolves. You'd be surprised how much people will pay for them. Thing is only guys really buy these and I've only worked with guys so I've grown a bit gay, but hey you won't tell anyone now will you? Good that's what I thought. Oh by the way some how I was abel to acquire the power of fire, I can make it and control it, I have since I was born! Now that that's over, I'm gonna go, I have some monsters to catch. But remember that reality is an illusion, the world is a hologram, buy gold bye!

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