1 A New Encounter

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*Bill Cipher*

It's late at night. The stars and moon are shining brightly in the pitch black sky. Through the tree tops very few rays of light come through. In this forest, there have been sightings of a family of vampires. While not being popular for being sold at once, they are very valuable for their fangs and skin. So far I have set up 5 traps and am looking for a new place to set up a new one. As I slowly make my way through the forest, I listen for the quietest of sounds for any signs. All I can hear is the wind in the trees. Wait. That wind.... it doesn't sound quite right. Sh*t! Before I know it a vampire nearly got the drop on me. From the quick glance that I got from it, it was very small, but it had tall white hair. Even though it was small it had quick reflexes. Probably not the best way to start my first vampire hunt huh. Suddenly it lunged at me. Nearly avoiding it I still get scratch. "Dammit this little b*stard sure is scrappy." At this point in nearly avoiding it. Turns out vampires are much stronger and faster than I previously thought. At this point I can't even stay quite enough. Now I just need to hope no more show up.


"Seriously Mabel, it has to be like midnight. We really need to go home. Grunkel Stan and Ford must be very worried."
"Come on Dipp stick, don't  be such a stick in the mud."
What's that? "Shhhhh" I say as I stick my finger in Mabel's face.
"Why are you shushing me. You're the one who started talking, so don't st-"
"SHHHH, I hear something," sure enough there's rustling and voices. "Come on."
"Hey wait, if there are people how can I get over there with out using my power?"
"Oh right," I quickly trot over to her and kneel down so she can climb on my back. As soon as she's on my back I trot over to the noise while trying to keep her balanced.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2019 ⏰

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